Helena-Reet: Why I wish to live in the countryside and why glamor is out and nature in!

NordenBladet – Despite the fact that I live 15km from the town, in the little Murimäe village, where you can count the houses with both hand fingers, where a view from the window behind and in front of the house is hay land and forest the city is getting closer each year with uproar, vapor and motorways. Traffic and living environment are becoming more and more vibrant every year, and more accurate by the eyes of city planners, but unfortunately it also gets more polluted. However, I am moving both in reality and in the heart away from the city.

At the age of 20 I bought my first apartment – of course in the Old Town, right in the middle of everything – to Town Hall Square. At this age, I absolutely did not understand the people who wanted to live outside the city or hold on for it – in the countryside! Cafe-shopping-bars were supposed to be in the walking distance and in my opinion only a total fool or a poor who could not afford the Old Town/ City Center apartment wanted to live in the countryside. Life boils 24/7 and I am in the middle of it. I enjoyed this life for many years, and neither the noise nor the gray stone houses which surrounded me didn´t bother – on the contrary, I felt that life could not get any better! And at one point it did not get any better. Even in the middle of wealth and riches everyday arrives. At one point shopping doesn´t make you any happier – you have everything, multiple .. what´s next? Instead of 10 euro wine you drink 100 euro wine, instead of the 100 euro purse you wear 2500 euros bags, instead of 15 euros jeans you buy 700 euros jeans – believe me – the wine tastes the same way, the bag holds the same way, and the jeans, no matter how expensive does not make a big ass smaller (Hahaaa) and so on… at one point I discovered that I have everything. There was nothing in the stores that I would like to have, but I wouldn´t have already? But are you happy? Okay, let’s be honest .. Certainly happier than those who have never been there or had anything, but one moment you are tired of all of that and then there will be a setback. You have been struggling to live up to your expectations and suddenly you discover that this is not a life with the meaning. Life is not about to be rich. Even if this is the idea of ​​life, then it will not automatically make you happy. The idea of ​​life is not to be overloaded with things. You realize that the meaning of life is to live and living is nothing else than to acquire things. Living is a breathing in the same rhythm with nature, because only this kind of life will truly last. Such life is sustainable.

Why super rich Chinese business giants do not live in China, where the air is very polluted? Why wealthy Dubai´s citizens who waste millions euros every month are often drug addicts or lost the meaning of life? Because you cannot buy health and happiness! Money is not the key to satisfaction (although without money, there is often now satisfaction as well)! Health is a healthy environment, health is a pure food! Health is good nerves and normal lifestyle, healthy children and ability to love your life. Felicity and satisfaction are born in our heads, and for that you don´t need money. Pure nature and peaceful surroundings are sustainable, and those who appreciate it live, grow and develop with the nature – they live and blossom every spring!

Today, I look at life with a different look. What before was “a must” is now practically “out”. I carefully plan when I go to the city (of course I take the kids to school and back) but malls I visit maybe only once or twice a year. When I was younger, I was satisfied when I shopped a lot, today I am glad if I live almost without spending. The less things the better, the simpler the better, the more self-made, self-grown or re-processed (recycled) the better! Sometimes I look my Louis Vuitton bags in my closet and I laugh with a loud voice.. why people need bags which cost thousands and you can´t even carry them over the sholder? OK, let it be. Sometimes the madness of vanity rises its head and then I´ll use them but.. looking in big plan, my soul wishes more and more simplicity. 15km from the city is still a city – it can no longer be called as a village as years ago, even 30km from big cities ( Tallinn, Tartu) is still a city in Estonia. Why do I find more exciting small wooden farmhouse in “X” place in a deep forest with privacy and clean environment than big villa with stone pillars in the city?

I am so tired of glamor and technique that sometimes I want to cry. I do not know what bothers me more – tech, remote controls and wires or city people? Why a milk pipe in front of the gate, organic lifestyle, a gravel road, a country school with six students in a class, and leaving the house with a letter “Key under the carpet” feel like a dream? I do not want anything that anyone “would like to cherish”, I do not want any over valued material things – while I want clean air, untouched nature, fresh water from the river, wildlife, and peace. It seems to me that it would be a real wealth and a sustainable environment. I wish to drink birch and maple juice and grow my own food – potatoes-carrots-peas, etc. I believe that people who live in that kind of environment do not know what is depression or suicidal thoughts, they do not have panic attacks or the most important – they don´t have that feeling that you have too much of everything but you still don´t know what you really wish.

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