NordenBladet —
More than 200 legislators from the United States Congress, the European Parliament and national parliaments across Europe issued a statement in support of Ukraine. The Statement is a sign of strong and broad support to Ukraine and encourages to look for a diplomatic solution and jointly prepare a package of economic sanctions.
Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Marko Mihkelson, Deputy Chair of the Committee Mihhail Lotman and members of the Foreign Affairs Committee Henn Põlluaas, Ruuben Kaalep, Raivo Tamm, Indrek Saar, Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski and Eerik-Niiles Kross joined the Statement.
“Transatlantic Legislators Statement in Support of the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine
As legislators across the transatlantic community our support for the sovereign territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine remains unwavering. We believe that Ukraine, like all sovereign nations, has the right to determine its own political and security future and we commend the Ukrainian government for the significant steps it has taken over the last 30 years to enact democratic and economic reforms reflective of the shared and longstanding norms and values of the liberal democratic nations.
The military buildup of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border as well as those currently involved in military exercises in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, the Arctic and the Republic of Belarus not only threatens that progress but stands as an existential threat to Ukraine’s future and independence.
Transatlantic unity has never been more critical to preserving our democratic values. Our determination and resolve must be resolute.
To that end and in the spirit of our shared democratic values, we call on the transatlantic community to continue to use all possible diplomatic means to facilitate the deescalation of the ongoing tensions, while coordinating our efforts so we speak with one voice and stands united in the face of Vladimir Putin’s destabilizing efforts and reiterate our support for the Ukrainian people and their right to self-determination.
While diplomatic efforts persist, we urge our governments to immediately provide Ukraine with the lethal and non-lethal military assets required to defend themselves. We further urge our governments to prepare a set of coordinated and harsh economic sanctions ready to be implemented should the Kremlin undertake any further incursion into the sovereign territory of Ukraine.
Conflict is not inevitable, and de-escalation is possible.
The cost of war is too great, and meaningful and coordinated steps towards détente must be taken.”
Source: Parliament of Estonia