NordenBladet — At the meeting of President of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Henn Põlluaas and Speaker of the Eduskunta (Parliament of Finland) Matti Vanhanen, issues relating to the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the activities of both parliaments and cooperation between the two parliaments were discussed.

Põlluaas and Vanhanen acknowledged that the relations between Estonia and Finland were excellent, and it was relevant that mutual understanding prevailed between the two countries. Vanhanen emphasised that he considered it important to make the first foreign visits after assuming the office of the Speaker to the neighbouring countries Sweden and Estonia.

Vanhanend said that during the month remaining of its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Finland’s focus would be on the Council achieving a political consensus on the budget of the EU.

The speakers had a lively discussion about the activities and organisation of work of both parliaments, focusing on the work of the committees and how topical issues were dealt with. Ideas were exchanged about security, and issues relating to defence and budget.

Põlluaas and Vanhanen welcomed the cooperation between the parliaments of the two neighbouring countries, which has been especially fruitful at the level of the committees. “The cooperation with the Defence Committee of the Eduskunta has been especially successful, it has lasted without interruptions since 1993,” Põlluaas said.  He added that every year meetings took place both in Finland and Estonia. Põlluaas pointed out that it is the longest international cooperation of the committees of the Riigikogu of Estonia since the restoration of independence. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu also has annual regular meetings with their colleagues from the Eduskunta.

Today’s meeting was attended by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee Sven Sester and member of the European Union Affairs Committee and Legal Affairs Committee Urve Tiidus.

During his visit, Vanhanen will also meet with President Kersti Kaljulaid and Prime Minister Jüri Ratas.

In the afternoon, President of the Riigikogu Henn Põlluaas and Speaker of the Eduskunta Matti Vanhanen will lay a wreath at the Monument to the Soldiers of Finnish Infantry Regiment 200 at Metsakalmistu cemetery.


Source: Parliament of Estonia