NordenBladet — At his meeting with Governor General of Canada Julie Payette, the President of the Riigikogu Henn Põlluaas spoke of the possibilities of e-governance and the development of the digital state, and the defence cooperation in NATO.

“The relations between Estonia and Canada are excellent, and we recognise similar values in terms of human rights, freedom of speech and free trade,” Põlluaas said. “We also have common goals in the development of the digital state, as well as maintenance of peace and security in the world.”

Põlluaas said that the allied relations in NATO also made Estonia and Canada closer. The President of the Riigikogu thanked Canada for its contribution to increasing the security in the Baltic region. The Governor General said that the contingent located in the Baltic states was the largest mission abroad of her country. She confirmed that Canada supported small states and cooperated with them in international organisations.

Põlluaas noted that despite the long distance Estonia sensed a strong emotional closeness to Canada because a large Estonian community lived there. The Governor General appreciated the contribution of the people of Estonian origin to Canadian society.

Other topics included foreign language skills of citizens, artificial intelligence and digital literacy where countries were willing to exchange their experience. With regard to digital solutions, Canada considers it important to harmonise international law.

Members of the Riigikogu Annely Akkermann and Andrei Korobeinik also participated in the meeting.


Source: Parliament of Estonia