NordenBladet — Defence ministers of Northern Group countries will hold a ministerial meeting on 20 October in Brussels. This fall the rotating Chair of the Northern Group is Finland. The meeting will be chaired by Minister of Defence of Finland, Mr Antti Kaikkonen.The defence ministers of Northern Group countries will discuss regional security in Northern Europe, including the Arctic region. The ministers will also share their views on common interests, such as emerging and disruptive technologies, Green Defence and military mobility.“Exchanging views on the security situation in Northern Europe is a shared interest for the Northern Group countries. There are also many future developments that challenge us, as well as many opportunities like Green Defence. Therefore, it is good to have an ongoing defence policy dialogue among this group”, says Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen.Northern Group is a defence cooperation format, which includes twelve countries around the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. The Northern Group consists of the Nordic countries and the Baltic countries, Germany, Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom.