Government proposes amendments to the Act on Peak-Load Reserve

NordenBladet — On 21 October 2021, the Government submitted a proposal to Parliament for an act amending the Act on Peak Load Reserve, which Secures a Balance between Electricity Production and Consumption. The content of the Act would be brought into line with the requirements of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the internal market for electricity in respect of resource adequacy assessment and introduction of capacity mechanisms.The objective of the proposal is to ensure the development of the peak-load reserve system so that it meets the new EU requirements on strategic reserves. The peak-load reserve system will continue to secure sufficient electricity supply during peak consumption in the winter season.In the future, the need for and volume of peak-load capacity would be assessed at least every two years. The assessment would be based on a national assessment under the Regulation on the internal market for electricity, which would supplement the European resource adequacy assessment. In addition, when determining the volume of peak-load capacity, the Energy Authority should take into account the target level of the security of electricity supply set by decision of the Government.Participation in peak-load reserve would be extended to cover, in addition to power plants and facilities capable of demand response, electricity storages that meet the technical requirements, and combinations thereof (aggregation). In contrast to previous practice, peak-load reserve must be reported to the European Commission as state aid. The Act is scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2022.


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