Nordic countries to strengthen cooperation on security of supply

NordenBladet — The Nordic Prime Ministers have adopted a joint statement on security of supply and preparedness. In the statement, the Nordic countries emphasise the importance of preparedness and cooperation in an unstable and unpredictable operating environment.“Nordic cooperation is a resource that the Nordic countries can use to strengthen their preparedness and resilience to crises. By intensifying Nordic cooperation on security of supply and preparedness, we are building a Nordic region that is able to function in all situations,” says Prime Minister Sanna Marin.The Nordic Prime Ministers adopted their joint statement in Copenhagen on Wednesday 3 November. The Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries and the Heads of Government of Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland met in Copenhagen in connection with the Nordic Council Session.  This year, Finland holds the Presidency of the Ministerial Council, which is the official body for intergovernmental Nordic cooperation. Developing cooperation on security of supply has been one of the key objectives of Finland’s Presidency. Nordic cooperation is guided by a shared vision adopted by the Nordic Prime Ministers, according to which the Nordic region will be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. At the meeting, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Paula Lehtomäki gave a summary of progress on the work to implement the joint vision and an overview of a survey that mapped citizens’ expectations for Nordic cooperation. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Nordic Council of Ministers, an intergovernmental body for cooperation between the Nordic countries. During their meeting in Copenhagen, the Prime Ministers noted that the world had changed significantly over the past 50 years, but that Nordic cooperation would continue to be strong, now and in the future.


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