New programmes adopted for EU Home Affairs Funds for the 2021–2027 programming period

NordenBladet — The Government has adopted new programmes for the European Union Home Affairs Funds for the programming period 2021–2027. The Funds for the programming period include the Internal Security Fund, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, and the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy.The total funding of the Home Affairs Funds under the programming period 2021–2027 will be approximately EUR 183 million. In connection with the mid-term review to be carried out in 2024, it is possible to obtain additional funding for the programmes provided that at least 10% of the initial allocation has been covered by payment applications by the time of the mid-term review. Additional funding will be allocated to the Member States on the basis of the criteria defined in the Regulations establishing the Funds.Security-related incidents can be prevented by preparing for newly emerging threatsThe Internal Security Fund (ISF) aims to develop tools, procedures, cooperation and situation awareness to combat and investigate cross-border crime. A further aim is to strengthen crisis resilience and preparedness for newly emerging threats in order to prevent phenomena that undermine security. The Fund also seeks to improve the protection of crime victims. The Internal Security Fund is divided into three specific objectives defined in the EU Regulation establishing the Fund:At the beginning of the programming period, Finland’s share of the funding from the Internal Security Fund will be EUR 36.60 million.Promoting implementation of common immigration policyThe objective of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is to contribute to effective management of migration matters and to the implementation, strengthening and development of the common policy on asylum and the common immigration policy. The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is divided into four specific objectives defined in the EU Regulation establishing the Fund, and Finland has included the first three in its programme:• strengthening and developing all aspects of the Common European Asylum System, including its external dimension;
• strengthening and developing legal migration to the Member States in accordance with their economic and social needs, and promoting and contributing to the effective integration and social inclusion of third-country nationals;
• contributing to countering irregular migration, enhancing effective, safe and dignified return and readmission, and promoting and contributing to effective initial reintegration in third countries; and
• enhancing solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility between the Member States, in particular as regards those most affected by migration and asylum challenges, including through practical cooperation.
At the beginning of the programming period, Finland’s share of the funding from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund will be EUR 67.93 million. In addition, Member States will receive funding for resettlement and humanitarian admission through the Fund. Between 2021 and 2022, the funding allocated to Finland is estimated at about EUR 33.8 million.Towards strong and effective European integrated border management at external bordersThe Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy (BMVI) aims to develop and implement strong and effective European integrated border management at the external borders, thereby contributing to ensuring a high level of internal security within the Union, while safeguarding the free movement of persons within the Union and fully respecting the relevant Union acquis and fundamental and human rights obligations. The Instrument is divided into two specific objectives defined in the EU Regulation establishing the Instrument:• supporting effective European integrated border management at the external borders, implemented by the European Border and Coast Guard; and
• supporting the common visa policy.
At the beginning of the programming period, Finland’s share of the funding from the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy will be EUR 77.97 million.


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