NordenBladet – In the Estonian Writers’ Union’s hall with the black ceiling, winners of the Estonian Theatre Agency’s drama contest 2021 were announced on Wednesday. There were 47 plays submitted to the Estonian Theatre Agency for the drama contest. The jury, represented by the translator Varja Arola, producer Elise Metsanurk, head of literature Ene Paaver, author-producer Tiit Palu, actor Jaak Prints, playwright Priit Põldma and artist-film director Hardi Volmer, decided to highlight five of them.

The jury awarded one first prize and two second prizes, and highlighted two plays as noteworthy:

I prize (3750 euros): Katariina Libe “Võrsed” (Seedlings)

II prize (1875 euros): Mart Aas “Kaksindus” (Twinned) and Kadri Lepp “Koju” (Home)

Noted (625 euros): Heneliis Notton “Emesis” and Liis Sein “Kutse” (Call)

The Grand Prix was awarded to Katariina Libe (née Ratasepp) for the powerful psychological drama “Võrsed”, which, in addition to a sharp and fresh approach to close relationships and the sensitive topic of procreation, allows each of the play’s characters their individual perspective.



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