Additional funding proposed for rescue training, increasing the refugee quota and EXIT activities

NordenBladet — In the supplementary budget proposal for 2022, a total increase of EUR 20.4 million is proposed for the administrative branch of the Ministry of the Interior. Appropriations are proposed for the development of the national security authorities’ KEJO common information system (EUR 6.85 million), for the Emergency Response Centre Administration’s information system fees (EUR 1.3 million) and for the EU Home Affairs Fund item (EUR 8 million) A total of EUR 1.95 million is proposed for strengthening rescue training and an additional EUR 0.3 million for EXIT activities. An appropriation of EUR 1.1 million is proposed for increasing the refugee quota.Swedish-language rescue course and more rescue trainees to meet growing need for rescuersImproving the operational preparedness of rescue services and changes related to standby provision will create an additional need for around 1,000 rescue personnel during 2020–2030. A total of EUR 1.95 million is proposed to strengthen rescue training. The number of starting places for rescue trainees will be increased on a one-off basis by 24 students. To secure the number of Swedish-speaking rescue personnel, a Swedish-language rescue course with 30 study places will be established, starting in 2022. The Swedish-language course will be implemented as a regional course organised by the Emergency Services Academy Finland in Kuopio in cooperation with a regional rescue department. The increase in rescue training will ensure equal access and quality of services throughout the country.It is proposed that the level of appropriations for rescue services’ special expenditure be raised by approximately EUR 1 million to EUR 3 million.Refugee quota to increase to 1,500Due to the situation in Afghanistan, it is proposed that Finland’s refugee quota for 2022 be increased to 1,500. In accordance with an earlier decision, Finland had prepared to receive 1,050 quota refugees in 2022. An appropriation of EUR 1.1 million is proposed for increasing the refugee quota.Increase for EXIT activities and their developmentEXIT activities provide individually tailored support services to people who are already radicalised or are at risk of radicalisation. The activities has been developed since 2015, when the EU adopted a recommendation that, in addition to criminal justice measures, Member States should have services to help people break away from violent extremist activities and extremism. The goal of EXIT activities and their development is a permanent service organised by both public authorities and organisations.An increase of EUR 0.3 million is proposed for EXIT activities and their development in cooperation with the public sector and organisations. 


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