is a new website presenting data on the use of Finland’s development cooperation funds

NordenBladet — The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has published a website on where, how and when Finland’s development cooperation funds are used. Launching this public site increases the openness and transparency of development puts together comprehensive information on the use of Finland’s development cooperation appropriations. Detailed information on disbursements is available from 2015 onwards, presented in a visual and easily accessible format. The website is in Finnish, Swedish and English.The data can be analysed based on the priorities of development policy, the countries where projects are conducted, and the sectors of operation of the projects, for example. Therefore, the service provides information on aspects such as how many development cooperation projects are carried out in a specific country or on the share of Finland’s development cooperation funding used to support education. The statistics in the service are based on set statistical practices used by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC). also makes use of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is committed to open governance and open data. Openness and transparency improve the effectiveness of development cooperation, reduce the risks of corruption and the misuse of funds, and strengthen accountability and ownership in developing countries.“We believe that will raise Finland’s position in international aid transparency comparisons,” says Ramses Malaty, Director of the Unit for Administrative and Legal Development Cooperation


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