All travellers arriving in Finland required having a COVID certificate or a test

NordenBladet — All travellers arriving in Finland will be required to show a COVID certificate, or if they do not have such a certificate, they will have to undergo a COVID-19 test. The Government has issued a decree that repeals the Government Decree on exceptions to the obligation to present the EU Digital COVID Certificate or undergo a COVID-19 test.The decision to repeal the Government Decree is based on a statement issued by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare on the new Omicron variant. The institute maintains that currently no traveller arriving from any country or region can be exempted from the health security measures required upon arrival under section 16c, subsection 2, of the Communicable Diseases Act.The Government repeals the decree to protect the health of the population against the threat posed by the Omicron variant by imposing more efficient health security measures in cross-border traffic.The decree will enter into force on 4 December 2021. 


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