The Riigikogu rejected draft Resolutions concerning the reforming of the electricity market

NordenBladet —

At today’s sitting, the Riigikogu discussed draft Resolutions concerning the possibilities to reform the electricity market, submitted by Faction Isamaa and the Estonian Conservative People’s Party Faction. The Riigikogu did not support them.

The Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a proposal to the Government of the Republic” (497 OE), submitted by the Faction Isamaa, provided that the Government needed to develop a plan to reform the electricity market to protect small consumers in connection with the extraordinary electricity price rise due to the energy crisis.

During the debate, Sven Sester (Isamaa) and Jevgeni Ossinovski (Social Democratic Party) took the floor.

24 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of passing the draft Resolution and 29 were against. As a majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu was needed for the draft Resolution to be passed, the motion was not supported. Thus, the proceedings on this draft Resolution have been completed.

The Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a Proposal to the Government of the Republic” (513 OE), submitted by the Estonian Conservative People’s Party Faction, made a proposal to the Government to suspend the electricity stock exchange in Estonia for at least a year and to establish a nationally regulated price; and to suspend Estonia’s participation in the CO2 trading system or the ETS mechanism for at least a year.

Mart Helme (Estonian Conservative People’s Party) took the floor during the debate.

17 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of passing the draft Resolution and 26 were against. As a majority vote of the members of the Riigikogu was needed for the draft Resolution to be passed, the motion was not supported. Thus, the proceedings on this draft Resolution have also been completed.

Verbatim record of the sitting

The video recording of the sitting will be available on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.

(Please note that the recording will be uploaded with a delay.)

Source: Parliament of Estonia

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