The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument project in Tanzania

NordenBladet — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland opens a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) project in Tanzania. The aim of the ICI project is to enhance Tanzania’s climate resilience by building up the capacity and skills of the institutions and agencies in Tanzania.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland opens a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) project in Tanzania. Financing will be available for 0 -1 proposals with the contract duration of a maximum of 4 years (2023 – 2026). The maximum total amount of funding available is approximately 1 million euros.The aim of the ICI project is to enhance Tanzania’s climate resilience by building up the capacity and skills of the institutions and agencies responsible for managing and protecting the environment, natural resources and/or biodiversity to produce data, information and knowledge needed to plan and implement climate change adaptation measures in Tanzania. The ICI project is expected to enhance the use of knowledge in decision-making and policy making, at national and local levels. Furthermore, the ICI project should advance and build up the means of the citizens, especially those in more vulnerable positions and youth, to adapt to climate change, for instance, via awareness-raising or skills development.The ICI project is expected to contribute to Finland’s country strategy in Tanzania and country programme for development cooperation in Tanzania in improving climate resilience. In addition, the project is expected to advance Tanzania’s Nationally Determined Contribution, especially in the adaptation to climate change, and be aligned with Finland’s development co-operation policy.The general conditions and guidelines for the preparation of project proposals are available on the Foreign Ministry’s website. In addition to the general criteria, project proposals must meet the following minimum condition:The projects’ partner agency must be a public institution or agency in Tanzania.Project proposals will be assessed based on the general criteria set out in the ICI guidelines as well as on the responses to the following questions:How clearly does the project support the goals of Finland’s country strategy and programme for Tanzania?How clearly does the project support the goals of Tanzania’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)? Which aspects of the NDC particularly?To which degree will the project support the promotion of commercial relations or the development of the private sector?Does the project contribute to ongoing or planned EU cooperation with the Governments of Tanzania and/or Zanzibar and if so, how? This would be considered an asset.Applications must be submitted by 16 May 2022 to ALI-20(at) and (at) The subject of the message must be: ALI-20/IKI-haku 2022.                                                                               


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