NordenBladet —

On Saturday, 23 April, the Riigikogu is celebrating its 103rd anniversary with a traditional Open House Day, this time together with the National Library of Estonia and the Tallinn Central Library. Visitors can also learn about the work of the Defence League.

The Riigikogu Open House Day will begin with a welcome concert by Tallinn Trumpet Ensemble on the balcony of Toompea Castle. President of the Riigikogu Jüri Ratas will greet the visitors in the courtyard of the Castle.

Guided tours are held throughout the day in Toompea Castle, visitors can meet MPs and climb the Tall Hermann Tower.

In the cafeteria, MPs Heiki Hepner, Raimond Kaljulaid, Henn Põlluaas, Mati Raidma, and Marko Šorin will be discussing civil protection. The discussion will be moderated by Urmas Vaino.

A traditional quiz show will take place in the Conference Hall between teams from schools and the Riigikogu team of MPs Jaak Juske, Andrei Korobeinik, Eerik-Niiles Kross, Anti Poolamets, and Urmas Reinsalu.

To celebrate the Year of Libraries, the National Library is offering a pop-up library and web games, and the Tallinn Central Library is setting up a reading nest with comic books, virtual reality, and is bringing its Katarina Jee Mobile Library.

The Defence League, Women’s Home Defence, Home Daughters, and Young Eagles run workshops in the Castle and its courtyard. The Estonian War Museum is holding a sale in support of Ukraine, and the Women’s Home Defence is selling Blue Hepatica badges in support of war veterans. Students of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre hold a concert dedicated to Ukraine in the White Hall. The Open House Day concludes with the concert of the Defence League band Mustad Kolonelid in the courtyard.

The first representative body elected by the people in independent Estonia – the Constituent Assembly – convened in Tallinn on 23 April 1919. The Riigikogu is celebrating its anniversary for the first time after a two-year interval. The Open House Day takes place for the 22nd time.

The entrance and all the activities and events are free of charge.

The Riigikogu Open House Day programme.

Source: Parliament of Estonia