Improving the livelihood of the elderly was discussed at Question Time

NordenBladet —

At Question Time of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia), Member of the Riigikogu Siret Kotka asked Minister of Social Protection Signe Riisalo about improving the livelihood of the elderly. She pointed out that the average old-age pension was lower than the relative poverty line and very many of the elderly lived in relative poverty.

The Minister of Social Protection replied that relative poverty spoke of income disparities in society and noted that it affected the elderly more. Riisalo underlined that several steps had been taken to address relative poverty: on 1 January, the extraordinary pension increase of 20 euros and the income tax exemption on average pensions will enter into force, which, together with the indexation of pensions on 1 April, are projected to raise the average pension by around 20%, to 704 euros. Riisalo added that the subsistence level had also been raised, the benefit for pensioners living alone had been increased, a one-off allowance of 50 euros had been paid to compensate for price rises and an energy subsidy would be paid until March.

In reply to the question on whether the extraordinary pension increase should not be 50 euros instead of 20 euros, Riisalo underlined that inequality among the pensioners themselves had also increased and an extraordinary pension increase would not reduce it. “We see a need to address in particular the needs of those elderly who receive smaller pensions. This is the only way to lift the poorest pensioners out of absolute poverty, and also to put pensioners in a better position in the context of relative poverty,” the Minister said. She pointed out that the 1st pillar pension of ten per cent of pensioners was higher than 900 euros and for another ten per cent, it was under 500 euros. “If we raise pensions for everyone, we will provide less help to those who have lower pensions than 500 euros,” Riisalo said and as a possible solution, proposed to change the methodologies of calculating the national pension and minimum subsistence, which in her opinion were outdated.

During Question Time, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas replied to Mart Helme’s question about political responsibility, Jaanus Karilaid’s question about fulfilling the agreements of the Madrid Summit, Alar Laneman’s question about the photo scandal of Marko Mihkelson and security, Martin Helme’s question about the moral face of the Reform Party, Kaido Höövelson’s question about environmental charges, Peeter Ernits’s question about pictures that nobody should ever take, Marek Jürgenson’s question about people living at Neeme 50, Kert Kingo’s question about separation of powers, Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski’s question about school lunch and Jaak Aab’s question about helping the entrepreneurs.

The verbatim record of Question Time:

Video recordings of the sittings of the Riigikogu can be viewed at
(Please note that the recording will be uploaded with a delay.)

Source: Parliament of Estonia

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