The European Union Affairs Committee considers harsher rules on vapes and nicotine pouches

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In the opinion of the Chair of the European Union Affairs Committee Liisa Pakosta, Estonia’s main concern is its global record in the consumption of e-cigarettes. “Besides that, the growth trend in consumption has also been very rapid in Estonia, otherwise we would not hold this black record in the world, and the number of products containing nicotine that are registered for sale here is by far the highest in Europe. In this situation, we will hear what are the specific points of concern for both experts and the representatives of young people. I encourage everyone to listen and to think, because the health and environmental damages caused by nicotine are among the most easily preventable damages,” Pakosta pointed out.

“Usually we work with the draft legislation prepared in the European Union, but now we are ourselves making a proposal to the European Commission on behalf of Estonia to initiate a new draft and harmonise restrictions throughout the European Union,” Pakosta said.

The purpose of the public debate held on Friday is to get information on the points of concern relating to the novel tobacco products sector with the help of experts. After that, the members of the Riigikogu will formulate their assessment regarding Estonia’s positions on the European Union legislation on tobacco and nicotine products, prepared by the Ministry of Social Affairs. This is Estonia’s proposal to the European Commission to harmonise requirements for all products containing nicotine, including e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches. The aim is to reduce health and environmental damages in the EU.

Minister of Health Riina Sikkut, Liaison Officer of the World Health Organization in Estonia Kristina Köhler, Head of Dugs and Addictions Department of the National Institute for Health Development Anneli Sammel, Head of the Children and Youth Unit of the National Institute for Health Development Tiia Pertel, Senior Doctor and Lecturer at Tartu University Hospital Kristjan Pomm, representative of the Estonian Junior Doctors Association Patrick Pihelgas, representative of the Estonian Medical Association Neeme Tõnisson, member of Youth Environmental Council Brigitta Taling, CEO of WeeRec OÜ Hans Talgre, police service cadet at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Taavi-Toomas Leemets and Research Fellow in Health Policy at the University of Tartu Mariliis Põld will present reports at the sitting.

The public debate will take place on Friday, 12 July at 9 a.m. in the Conference Hall of the Riigikogu, and it will be live streamed online. Video recording will be available to watch later on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.

For more information, please contact: Liisa Pakosta, + 372 502 6191

Riigikogu Press Service
Maiki Vaikla
+372 631 6456, +372 5666 9508

Link uudisele: The European Union Affairs Committee considers harsher rules on vapes and nicotine pouches

Source: Parliament of Estonia


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