Next year’s European Interparliamentary Space Conference will be in Estonia

NordenBladet —

Head of the Estonian delegation Mario Kadastik said that therefore the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) would host the delegations from the EISC member states, the European Space Agency and the European Space Policy Institute over the next year.

According to Mario Kadastik, it is planned to hold a space workshop in spring 2025, and the Plenary Session in autumn. Kadastik said at the Plenary Session today, “Today’s discussion on defence and security in space has been an excellent introduction to the upcoming Estonian Presidency. Next year, we intend to focus even more on the common ground of security and space sector and increase the involvement of politicians in these debates.”

The European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) was established in 1999. National parliaments of the Member States of the European Union and/or of the European Space Agency that have created a parliamentary body dealing with space affairs are eligible for full membership.

The aim of the EISC is to offer the national parliaments of Europe an opportunity to exchange information, discuss issues and make analyses in the space policy sector. The resolutions adopted at the meetings of the EISC are not binding for national parliaments, but the organisation helps define the role of the legislators of European countries in dealing with space issues.

Currently the EISC has 14 full members, including Finland that became a member at today’s session. The official languages of the EISC are English, French and German.

The chairmanship of the EISC rotates, and one country holds it for one year. The task of the presidency is to organise a workshop dealing with space issues from a practical perspective, and the plenary session, where a resolution on relevant issues of the year is passed.

In 2017, Estonia held the Presidency of the EISC. The aim of Estonia’s Presidency is to launch a discussion on how to use entrepreneurship in the space sector, and how to deal with the legislation regulating these issues.

Riigikogu Press Service
Gunnar Paal
+372 631 6351, +372 5190 2837

Link uudisele: Next year’s European Interparliamentary Space Conference will be in Estonia

Source: Parliament of Estonia


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