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“According to President Niinistö’s report, the security situation of the European Union has steadily deteriorated in recent years, the world has become more dangerous and increasingly crisis-prone. That is why we, as Europeans, need to prepare ourselves in order to cope in the new reality, to keep our comfortable and free way of life and to survive,” Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Peeter Tali underlined.

Tali said that the European Union Affairs Committee had studied Niinistö’s report in February, when they had approved Estonia’s positions on strengthening Europe’s civil and military readiness. “It is a detailed report, and it is useful for everybody to know about its conclusions because on the basis of this report, the European Commission will prepare the White Paper on security.”

Deputy Chairman of the National Defence Committee of the Riigikogu Leo Kunnas pointed out that in the current unpredictable security situation and in the context of deepening confrontation between democracies and totalitarian states, Europe’s defence capability needed to be dramatically strengthened.

“In order to fill the gap caused by the underdevelopment of the defence capabilities of European countries over the past 30 years, during the next decade, European countries should invest at least 800 billion to trillion euros more than previously planned in strengthening military defence and improving crisis preparedness,” he said.

The European Union Affairs Committee discussed the positions of the Government on strengthening Europe’s civilian and military readiness that are based on Niinistö’s report at its 14 February sitting, and approved the positions with its amendments that underline the key role of completing the construction of Rail Baltic and Via Baltica.

President Sauli Niinistö will also meet with President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar and President of the Republic Alar Karis today. Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee Peeter Tali and Ambassador of Finland to Estonia Vesa Vasara will participate in the meeting with the President of the Riigikogu. Later today, Niinistö will visit the International Centre for Defence and Security.

The public sitting will be held in the Conference Hall of the Riigikogu, starting at 11 a.m., and it can be followed online on the Riigikogu web page. Video recording will be available on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.

Photos (author: Erik Peinar / Chancellery of the Riigikogu)

Riigikogu Press Service
Merilin Kruuse
+372 631 6592; +372 510 6179

Link uudisele: Sauli Niinistö presents his report on Europe’s defence readiness at a public sitting in the Riigikogu

Source: Parliament of Estonia