NordenBladet —

The tabletop exercise focused mainly on the continuation of the Riigikogu’s work in times of crisis, the urgent amendment of the state budget and the declaration of a state of emergency and a state of war.

According to President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar, the Board of the Riigikogu has approved a resilience plan that will ensure the effective functioning of the Parliament and the performance of its constitutional duties even in the event of a crisis. “The simulation of different situations and enhancing cooperation between key institutions is vital from the perspective of ensuring the functioning of Estonian democracy and the effectiveness of governance,” he said.

In the opinion of State Secretary Keit Kasemets, national defence and resolving of crises must not get stuck in unclear processes, and potential obstacles and challenges must be discussed and addressed in advance. “In a crisis, every minute counts, and cooperation between the Government and the Riigikogu is of key importance. Such discussions will help increase the clarity of roles and expectations about who exactly does what in a crisis,” he said.

The Board of the Riigikogu, the Chairs of the Finance Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the National Defence Committee of the Riigikogu and representatives of parliamentary groups, as well as the Office of the President, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior participated in the exercise. The exercise was conducted by the National Security and Defence Coordination Unit of the Government Office and led by the President of the Riigikogu.

Riigikogu Press Service
Karin Kangro
+372 631 6356, +372 520 0323

Link uudisele: The Riigikogu practiced decision-making during crisis

Source: Parliament of Estonia