Helena-Reet Ennet (32) is the mother of two daughters, Estella Elisheva and Ivanka Shoshana, the chief editor of Gossip.ee and Ohmygossip.com and the development manager of Ohmygossip Couture brand. “Buduaar” has asked Helena-Reet what she thinks of women’s place in the world of business.

Do women have a sense for business or should they devote themselves to more or less homely matters, leaving all that’s called “business” in men’s hands?

Ha, ha, it’s a good question! Provocative! If you ask me if I’ve got a sense for business I’d rather say I haven’t. Instead, I’ve got big dreams, clear visions, lots of energy, great ambitions and a huge wish to pursue my goals. I’ve also got a reasonable amount of vanity, as well as an almost unreasonable amount of faith in myself, that keep me going. Think big and don’t underestimate yourself! I’m quite sure that one day I will be bigger in media than for example Arianna Huffington is today.
It goes without saying that women must take care of home. Without women there are no homes –  a woman is the heart of a home.

How would you encourage Estonian women to start a business of their own and becoming a “businesswoman”?
Lateley a seminar “Julge juhtimine” took place arranged for female leaders by My Conference. Politician Laine Jänes said that deep faith in oneself, courage to go one’s own way and making independent decisions will help you to succeed in whatever you take up. I also think that it’s of utmost importance to believe in oneself and in what you are doing. I’d like to add “consistency” to the list of essential qualities that make you successful. I believe that love for your work and consistency are a good match that makes your dreams come true.
It’s impossible to turn somebody into an entrepreneur. Actually, a real enterpriser doesn’t need any advice or tips from me. She’s got a clear vision herself as well as her role models, ideas and a personal opinion.



Helena-Reet Ennet (Wearing Ohmygossip Couture T-shirt)


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