I am super happy! Super excited! As I announced on Twitter and wrote on one of my previous posts (in Finnish), I started collaborating with an American bag-company Thursday Friday (t/f)! How cool is that??!! I got an opportunity to design them a pattern! Now I am proud to tell you that the pattern was approved and I already got to see the first samples!

As I am now in Estonia and I do business with American brand, I have to do all the plannings, talkings and promotion through the web. Olena Sholomytska – the lovely owner, CEO and power person from Thursday Friday (t/f) company – sent me the first samples. Actually, just a picture. I love the result, but I need to be sure that the colors and design will be on the final product as delicate and beautiful as I made it. I just love the pattern I made — It would also look cool on clothes, I think 🙂

Ohmygossip Couture
Pattern made by Helena-Reet Ennet

Helena-Reet Ennet to Thursday-Friday
iPad covers designed by me.. first test samples sent to Thursday-Friday.. Awwww******* Aren’t they cute?!!! 😛

I trust Olena, she has a high standard and high class taste as I do. She told me that she will see and touch the very first samples soon, even she has just now a picture from the factory. I truly hope the final result will be super perfect. We both are very excited!!! I love this pattern more and more each day and I hope you will love it too!! I have designed a lot for my own international brand “Ohmygossip Couture” but this is my first big work, big collaboration as a guest designer for international company. If this summer campaign is successful, we will make a holiday gift batch as well!

Every day brings so many lovely news and opportunities. I love my life! I am so happy to get all these opportunities! Every day there are people who ask me “how I do it?”. There is no secret… I work my ass off, I am workaholic… every work day… from 8-23. I have done Ohmygossip for years (from 2008) and now I can say that this last year, people started to assess, recognize, appreciate my work. I have built my social media fans one-by-one… To be honest, this hasn’t been easy. A lot of work and commitment and late hours without my family. I have had times that my husband tells me that I must stop. And there have been very many times that people tell me that I never succeed.

The most difficult thing is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! If you wish to succeed, trust yourself and believe in yourself. Everything is possible, you need to believe it, and you need to fight for it and you need to stop listening to people who try to get you down and kill your dreams. Dream big, act for it and you will succeed. I promise it! Sooner or later you’ll get all you wish, just follow your dreams.

There is one more thing.. Talk, communicate, ask, make plans and make offers. Everyone is just persons, just people. You never know where you can end if you give yourself an opportunity. If you don’t ask for collaboration, if you don’t present your ideas — you never know if big businesses like them or not. Be active yourself as well, if you want to be seen!

For me the so called “break through” came with Twitter… I have a lot of websites there (@Ohmygossip; @OhmygossipC@Ohmygossip_USA; @Ohmygossip_fi; @Ohmygossip_ee; @Ohmygossip_br; @HelenaReet_News; @NordenBladet; @ElishevaShoshan; @Bloglist24; and some little less active profiles more… I follow people and people follow me back, I post news and pics and make a buzz there. For me it works better than Facebook, I don’t know why. As soon as I started using Twitter in every day bases, I started to got possibilities and offers. My daughters have got a lot of modelling opportunities, I have got a lot of followers and readers and also business partners. Thursday-Friday bag collaboration is just one of them. Most world stars and companies are on Twitter. And the best thing is… it is free! You don’t need to pay a penny to be seen! Just tweet 🙂

Ohmygossip Couture / Thursday-Friday

Ohmygossip Couture / Thursday-Friday

Wish you a lot of luck and success and hope that I can soon tell you that “OHMYGOSSIP to Thursday-Friday” iPad covers are ready and you can buy them in over 500+ shops in USA!! When you have collaboration ideas, just write me to info@nordenbladet.com!!! I am so open for all collaborations and plans!


Current Blog posts & articles about Ohmygossip Couture and Thursday-Friday collaboration:

Articles in Finnish:
/Seiska/ Helena-Reet: Sain ensimmäisiä näytteitä itse suunnittelemastani iPad:in kannesta!

/City/ Helena-Reet: Toivon, että voin pian näyttää lopullisen Ohmygossip iPad mallini!

/Seiska/ Helena Reet: Aloitin tänään yhteistyön amerikkalaisen laukkuja valmistavan yhtiön kanssa!

Articles in Estonian:
/Hello! Eesti/ Tõsielustaar Helena-Reet Ennet alustas koostööd Ameerika kotibrändiga

/Ohmygossip/ Hello! Magazine: Helena-Reet Ennet alustas koostööd Ameerika kotibrändiga


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