Cozy meeting near Lake Peipsi

OHMYGOSSIP – Since I’m associated with many projects I often find myself surprised how I can fit to 24 hours blogging in 4 languages, brand development, social media marketing and of course home and my children. I have noticed that I’m the most effective if I am doing many things at the same time and if a new project is about to start. I am then like a rocket plan – that effective and fast that I can do the job of 20 people.

I have developed a timetable which I usually fulfil automatically and it works out well. But for this to work out I need occasional getaways and joint brainstorming. If generally I prefer to work alone and in silence then brainstormings should be done face to face and away from the everyday environment. Everybody needs a breath of fresh air and employees are very motivated by a short getaway!

Last week I did a 24-hour getaway to Lake Peipsi (Estonia) and the meeting was that effective and enthralling that we thought to start doing it regularly (at least once per month). The brain switches to another vibe and the spirit gets away from the routine – a work getaway is two in one – work and a holiday. And Peipsi  is always wonderful!

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