5,5 million people die each year due to pollution. Make sure that your next holiday destination does not include one of those places!

NordenBladet – The need to become one of the major economic powers in the world has forced two countries with a population of over a billion to invest in industrial development, however it comes with an environmental effect.

More than 5,5 million people die per year due to pollution, most of them in India and China. Although China has step by step taken action due to the major environmental hazard, it does not mean that the statistic decrease of pollution has solved the situation. It keeps happening more often that schools need to focus their study process due to smog.

Polluted air causes 1,6 million people in China and 1,4 million in India to die per year. Only high blood pressure, unhealthy alimentary habits and cigarettes kill more people than pollution.

Numerous researches have compared the connection between air pollution and people’s health in 188 countries from 1990-2013. It turns out that 85% of the world’s population lives in areas which  are polluted according to WHO, thus on one way or another, most of us suffer due to polluted air.

However, the situation is getting better in comparison with the statistics of 2012, where according to WHO 7 million people diet due to pollution as now the statistics show “just” 5,5 million deaths related to the air quality.

China’s air is mostly destroyed by heating buildings and industries by coal, which solely causes 360000 deaths. In India it’s common to burn in the ingle besides wood also grain waste and dung, which causes more pollution related deaths inside than outside.

According to the World’s Health Organization, air pollution should not exceed 25 microgram particles per cubic meter. In Beijing and New Delhi it is more than 300 micrograms, meaning it exceeds the norm by 1200%.

Featured image: OHMYGOSSIP

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