NordenBladet – 13-year-old Estonian Jewish School girl, having learned the violin for six years in Saku Music School, now begins to see the fruit of the work done so far. Being nominated the best violinist in her age group in Northwest Estonia, Estella Elisheva performed as a singer in Israel in June, and in August was holding a brand new artist visa with the purpose of giving violin concerts in Japan. Earlier having only performed in Estonia and Scandinavia, the young musician is taking a big step on her career path that motivates her even more to practice and to think of a career in music.

“Every achievement encourages to practice more and give more effort. The performances are a great emotional boost and fill you with energy, they bring you to new contacts and give ideas for planning the future. The more one practices the more one likes music, and skills enable one to play music also after just listening to it, and it becomes more and more easy to play from scores. Not extensively, but step by step I am already writing some of the music myself,” says Estella Elisheva to

“It has been relatively easy – in the music school there are 3-4 days weekly the best teachers sharing their experience, I have been very fortunate with my violin supervisor Kaari Klesment and solfeggio instructor Urmi Sinisaar, my mom arranges-manages and supports on the media side. Mom is my greatest fan – every day she encourages, acknowledges and inspires me in what I do. My responsibility is to play the instrument and practice. Currently I perform as a solo artist and with an orchestra. But specially for Japan, we summoned a temporary band the violin + Estonian zither (Kannel), to introduce Estonian music abroad. At the moment there is in the repertoire quite a lot of ethnic tradition music and folk music. With the zither-player Sandra Serena we will be performing together in a few concerts also when we return from Japan – these will be relatively minor concerts for selected audience but the program is already scheduled and why not perform together still more. One of the concerts is also taking place in the frame of an event of the Estonian president.”

In Japan you gave several concerts and performed on Estonian Music Day. How would you evaluate the success of the concerts and are you planning to perform in Japan also in the future?
“The concerts went very well. It was rather fascinating for a change to perform in the violin + Estonian zither format, since usually I play solo, with piano accompaniment or with synth. The Estonian zither adds a Nordic mystical touch, the two instruments sound really beautiful together. Japan with its 127 million people is the tenth biggest country populationwise, this is a huge market and the audience is well aware of quality in music. The Northern countries and our culture is thoughtful, exciting and mystical – it is great to perform as well as to listen to our music. It calms, gives strenght. I definitely think of performing in Japan in the future. I hope so.”

You are announcing that so confidently like something has already been agreed on. How does it even happen when you are 13-year-old, performing on the other side of the planet Earth? “Nothing is yet agreed on, but the concerts take place when there is planning and arrangements. My mom who is my manager, deals with the organisational side. I have been notarially permitted to travel alone, I speak four languages (Estella Elisheva speaks fluently besides Estonian also English and Russian language and has been learning the Hebrew language for seven years – ed.), mother concludes agreements with agents who on their turn deal with the events and the advertisements and local arrangements. In Japan the local organiser met us in the airport – hotels, daily schedules, workshops and the performings were planned in detail. This time I was in Japan as an artist of the Harmony Fields, and in the frame of the Japanese Saku town and the Estonian Saku town common project.”

What are the plans as an artist in the future? “As of today, I do not make extensive plans regarding my career. I practice as much as possible, since regarding professional players I am still very green, and now I need to begin with composing, too. I wish to improve myself also as a composer and do my bit in contributing to Estonian music.”

More info on the young violinist Estella Elisheva and her doings can be found on her website: and pictures from the Japan journey can be browsed on her Instagram account @estella.elisheva

Photo: From the left Shigekazu Yamada, Laura Linnaks, Sandra Sulin, Estella Elisheva, Aivar Surva and Mari Jürjens. (Harmony Fields/ Kazuhiro Kamio)

From Estonian musicians, besides Estella Elisheva and Sandra Serena Sulin on the Japan tour and Estonian Music Day there was also the actress and singer Mari Jürjens (earlier Pokinen), and composer and musician Aivar Surva. Previously, via Harmony Fields there have been many other Estonian artists performing in Japan – for example the folk musician and singer Mari Kalkun and the folkband Trad.Attack!

Photo: Estella Elisheva (NordenBladet/Helena-Reet Ennet)

Photo: Sandra Serena Sulin (Estonian zither) and Estella Elisheva (violin). (NordenBladet/Helena-Reet Ennet)

Featured image: Violinist Estella Elisheva (NordenBladet/Helena-Reet Ennet)