NordenBladet —

At its today’s sitting, the European Union Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) heard the representatives of energy-intensive companies and green companies, who gave an overview of the challenges and opportunities that would accompany achieving of carbon neutrality in Estonia by 2050.

Chair of the Committee Anneli Ott believes that the approach to carbon neutrality should be integrated, and not sector-based. “Besides energy, it is also necessary to deal with the transport sector, with housing and agriculture sectors. These sectors influence the daily life of people more than the technological changes in individual large enterprises,” Ott said. “Unfortunately, at the moment there is no agreement and understanding in the society that the use of climate-friendly solutions means a change not only for businesses, but for all people,” she added.

Ott explained that the entrepreneurs had pointed out that it would be impossible to achieve zero emissions in the cement and energy industries of the European Union until there had been a technological revolution in the carbon emission sequestration technologies. “The entrepreneurs emphasised that global agreements are necessary for achieving carbon neutrality. If efforts are made only in the European Union, there is a risk that large concerns will move their production facilities outside the Union,” Ott summarized the problem of energy-intensive companies. She added that at the same time, more and more green technology development projects that focused on circular economy and provided smart possibilities for energy saving emerged in Estonia.

Managing Director of Kunda Nordic Tsement Meelis Einstein, Chairman of the Board of Viru Keemia Grupp Ahti Asmann, CEO of Cleantech ForEst Erki Ani and Head of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Department at Eesti Energia Andres Tropp delivered reports at the sitting.

The European Union Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu started a series of parliamentary hearings this autumn in order to prepare a resolution with which Estonia will participate in the European Union negotiations on 2050 climate targets. The next parliamentary hearing at the European Union Affairs Committee will take place on 27 September, when the Committee will discuss meeting of Estonia’s 2020 and 2030 climate targets with Minister of the Environment Rene Kokk.

Riigikogu Press Service
Kristi Sobak
Phone +372 631 6592, +372 5190 6975

Source: Parliament of Estonia