NordenBladet – A Government of the Unionist Party (Sambandsflokkurin), the People’s Party (Fólkaflokkurin) and the Centre Party (Miðflokkurin), took office on September 16.

The Government is headed by Bárður á Steig Nielsen, chairman of the Unionist Party.

The Ministers of the Government:

– Jørgen Niclasen (Fólkaflokkurin), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
– Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen (Sambandsflokkurin), Minister of Health
– Jacob Vestergaard (Fólkaflokkurin) Minister of Fisheries
– Jenis av Rana (Miðflokkurin), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education, Research and Culture
– Elsebeth Mercedis Gunnleygsdóttur (Fólkaflokkurin), Minister of Social Affairs
– Helgi Abrahamsen (Sambandsflokkurin), Minister of Trade and Environment

In its first session on September 14 since the election of 31 August, the Faroese Parliament Løgtingið appointed Bárður á Steig Nielsen, chairman of the Unionist Party, as the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands.

In his address to the Parliament the Prime Minister said:

“Fourteen days ago, the people of the Faroe Islands chose a new course – a course where we get back on track, a course with security and stability. The Centre Party, the People’s Party and the Unionist Party have now set this course.“

“The world is experiencing great change. On a domestic level, the demands on us as a society become ever greater. Considering these demands and challenges we need to commit to long-term political agendas as well as tangible innovation and reforms.”

The government’s main priorities, in heading for economic, financial, social and regional stability, are:

– Responsible economic policies and growth

– Emphasis on health-care security and sustainability

– Emphasis on innovative and sustainable energy solutions and environmental policies

– Focus on innovation and long-term solutions that also restrict centralisation trends

– Restructuring of the public pensions systems primarily to benefit those who do not have other income streams to rely on.

The Parliamentary election
Parliamentary elections were held in the Faroe Islands on 31 August. The governing centre-left coalition, consisting of three parties, lost three seats and, thereby, the combined majority of the 33 seats that make up the Løgting (Faroese parliament).

Parties on the right or centre-right, Sambandsflokkurin (The Union Party), Fólkaflokkurin (The People’s Party) and Miðflokkurin (The Centre Party), have a combined total of 17 seats, enough to form a new government coalition.

10 new parliamentarians were elected, five of them being younger than 28. A representative from Tjóðveldi (The Republican Party), Hervør Pálsdóttir, became the youngest woman ever to be elected, aged 23.

Voter turnout across the whole country was 88.8 percent.

Election results 2019:

– Fólkaflokkurin (The People‘s Party), 24.5 percent, 8 seats

– Sambandsflokkurin (The Union Party), 20.3 percent, 7 seats

– Javnaðarflokkurin (The Social Democratic Party), 22.1 percent, 7 seats

– Sjálvstýri (The Self-Government Party), 3.4 percent, 1 seat

– Tjóðveldi (The Republican Party), 18.1 percent, 6 seats

– Framsókn (Progress), 4.6 percent, 2 seats

– Miðflokkurin (The Centre Party), 5.4 percent, 2 seats

– Framtakið fyri rættinum at velja kannabis (The Cannabis Party), 0.9 percent, 0 seat

– Føroyaflokkurin (The Faroese Party), 0.5 percent, 0 seat

For more information about the Government of the Faroe Islands visit