NordenBladet —

The Estonian Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly participates in the NATO PA Transatlantic Parliamentary Forum in Washington this week.

Head of the Estonian Delegation, member of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Oudekki Loone said that practically all focus issues and challenges of international politics of today would be discussed at the Forum, mainly from the position of the organising country the USA: from nuclear weapons to the elections in the USA, the crises in Syria Afghanistan and more generally in the Middle East.

“One of the most relevant tasks of the NATO PA is giving the member states an opportunity to exchange ideas on all these topics,” Loone added. She thinks that it is important that Estonia contributes to such discussions. “At the same time I would like to emphasise to my Estonian colleagues that although a wider discussion is necessary, NATO’s central role is ensuring peace in Europe, and not interfering in every conflict across the world. It is better to do one thing well than many things poorly,” Loone said.

The opening panel of the Forum today will be devoted to Transatlantic relations after the London Leaders Meeting. It will be followed by discussions about nuclear weapons and arms control, the changing global order, the state of Transatlantic relations, the Syrian crisis and the situation in Iran, the Far East, Russia and Ukraine. The 2020 elections in the US as well as the US defence priorities and the US approach to the war in Afghanistan will also be spoken about.  

Besides the Head of the Delegation Oudekki Loone, members of the Estonian Delegation to the NATO PA Andres Metsoja and Ants Laaneots will also attend the Forum.

Riigikogu Press Service
Epp-Mare Kukemelk
+372 631 6356, +372 515 3903 

Source: Parliament of Estonia