NordenBladet — The Riigikogu passed 52 legislative acts during its autumn session.

At today’s sitting, the Riigikogu approved the Act which creates opportunities to interlink the data of the Estonian Drug Treatment Database operating at the National Institute for Health Development. The aim is to interlink registries (the population register, the Tuberculosis Registry, the Communicable Disease Information System and the Causes of Death Registry). The amendments provide an opportunity to ensure the accuracy of data and an opportunity to interlink them through personalisation. This in turn will ensure more effective treatment and quicker communication between doctors and patients. Organised and interlinked registry data will also enable to obtain a whole picture of the spread of a disease in Estonia and to obtain adequate statistics when forecasting service volumes.

The explanatory memorandum notes that, at present, data are entered in the Estonian Drug Treatment Database in such a manner that it is impossible to identify patients. For that, at the start and end of drug treatment, the personal identification code of the patient is encoded with a unique code in the Estonian Drug Treatment Database, and this code is linked with the data of the specific treatment case (i.e. data are not personalised in the database). For the service provider, already now, the patient is always personalised at the beginning of a treatment case, but the data are not reflected in the Estonian Drug Treatment Database.

In the future, data will be entered in the Estonian Drug Treatment Database in personalised form for every drug treatment case. This is already being done now in the case of other registries. For example, patients’ data are entered in the Tuberculosis Registry in personalised form. Through the amendments made by the Act, a higher security class is assigned to the Estonian Drug Treatment Database, and cases when data can be issued to other persons are provided for.

The amendment does not concern the service providers offering drug treatment. Since additional data fields that will contain personal data will be added to the notifications from the Estonian Drug Treatment Database, only the working arrangements of the employees of the National Institute for Health Development may possibly change.

86 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of the passage of the Act on Amendments to the Act on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Precursors thereof and the Health Services Organisation Act (99 SE), initiated by the Government.

As is the tradition, Santa Claus visited the Riigikogu at the last sitting of its autumn session.


Source: Parliament of Estonia