NordenBladet — A Bill passed the second reading in the Riigikogu. It will create the possibility to apply for citizenship under a simplified procedure for minors who were born in Estonia and whose parents or grandparents have resided here before the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Estonia.

The Bill on Amendments to the Citizenship Act (58 SE), initiated by the Government, concerns minors one of whose parents is of undetermined nationality and whose other parent is a citizen of a foreign country. According to the Bill, a minor will acquire Estonian citizenship at the request of his or her legal representative if his or her parent or grandparent was a resident of Estonia as at 20 August 1991. If a minor who wishes to acquire Estonian citizenship is a citizen of another country, he or she will first have to renounce citizenship of the relevant country. A Resolution of the Government on the granting of Estonian citizenship will enter into force on the day following the day on which the certificate to the effect that the person has been released from citizenship of the other country is submitted to the governmental authority authorised by the Government.Jevgeni Ossinovski (Social Democratic Party) took the floor during the debate, and on behalf of his faction moved to suspend the second reading of the Bill. 33 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of the motion and 52 were against. Thus, the motion was not supported and the second reading of the Bill was concluded.


Source: Parliament of Estonia