NordenBladet — A Bill passed the first reading the in the Riigikogu. It provides for the right of competent authorities to prohibit goods from being placed on the market and to require withdrawal of goods from the market in Estonia in pursuance of the procedure provided for in the directly applicable EU Regulation.
Based on the Regulation, competent authorities must clearly justify restriction on market access. This can be done for example on the basis of overriding reasons of public interest, and it must be evaluated whether the restrictions are proportionate to the aim pursued.
According to the principle of mutual recognition, products that have been placed on the market in a Member State under the rules in force there must be allowed to be freely placed on the market in EU Member States also when different requirements have been established for them in the country of destination.
For example, the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, the Health Board, the Maritime Administration, the Agricultural Board, the Environmental Inspectorate, the Road Administration and the Veterinary and Food Board will be the competent authorities on the basis of the legislation regulating the sector. In addition, the Act regulates the obligation of these authorities to exchange information with the competent authorities of other Member States.
The Bill on Amendments to the Product Conformity Attestation Act (125 SE), initiated by the Government, will implement in Estonia the new directly applicable EU Regulation that replaces the Regulation that was in force before and concerns the mutual recognition of the conformity of goods marketed in another Member State. The Regulation helps stimulate trade in goods in the European single market and speed up and enhance the work of competent authorities in the evaluation of goods. The implementation of the new Regulation will make it simpler for Estonian economic operators to take their products to the EU market.
The Minister of Population Riina Solman replied to the interpellation concerning cooperation between the Government and civil society (No. 19).
During the open microphone, Marika Tuus-Laul and Lauri Läänemets took the floor.
Source: Parliament of Estonia