NordenBladet – “Analyzing recent scientific discoveries, it can be said that love is the only medicine that heals. Researchers can confirm with certainty that life is not possible without love and that lack of love is the cause of all diseases and problems,” says Ellen Tõemeel on the website of the Institute of Holistic Therapy.
All indigenous peoples knew about the healing power of love. Legends, myths and fairy tales are laced with wisdom and tell about the power of love. The strongest healing power is attributed to unconditional maternal love — it is the purest form of love. Folk wisdom from ancient times also speaks of the healing power of love. In addition to the use of natural medicinal substances, the healing power of shamans and witches can largely be attributed to their unwavering faith and loving attention to the sick. Today, it is called the placebo effect — a person’s belief in a method of treatment, and that they will be healed, is what heals them. It is estimated that nearly a third of recoveries occur due to the placebo effect.
Today’s scientists have observed and studied love on both a physical and mental level. Important discoveries about the state of love have been made in a wide variety of scientific fields. The nature and effects of love have been studied by physicists, chemists, biologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and cardiologists.
Here are recent revolutionary discoveries about love:
1. Love is the most powerful stimulator of the immune system. From the point of view of healing, the existence of love both inside and around the sick is extremely important. In a loving atmosphere, biochemical processes start in the body, which stimulate healing. The prospects for the recovery of a positive-minded person are quite different from those of a desperate patient. The link between mental disorders and physical illnesses has been scientifically proven: for example, depressed people often have cardiovascular diseases. In addition to traditional therapies, the therapeutic effects of love have also been studied and applied to the treatment of patients with eating disorders.
2. Lack of physical proximity and touch has a devastating effect on the nervous system. Scientific observations have shown that the spinal cord of children who do not experience sufficient physical intimacy withers. In an environment with lack of love, one’s ability to be receptive to oneself and others, and to experience feelings, decreases. A common symptom is mental disorders, which can culminate in chronic physical and mental conditions. In more severe cases it results in psychosis or death.
Cultures where children are shown physical affection are more peaceful. A child who is shown physical affection experiences approval on both a physical and mental level. Positive recognition encourages a child to continue discovering, and their innate potential can be revealed. A child who has received physical affection becomes a bolder, more intelligent and empathetic person than a child whose life lacks positive and appreciative physical contact.
3. For the subconscious that controls 95–99% of our lives, love, food, and information are almost indistinguishable. This is due to the fact that during the formation of the basic patterns of the subconscious, these three all come from one source — the mother. It helps to explain a lot of people’s painful conditions and symptoms. A person suffering from a lack of love may interpret this as a feeling of hunger. The result is so-called emotional eating, where one tries in vain to fill the emotional void within themselves with food. Like overeating, there is an over-consumption of information. People feel a constant hunger for information and consume everything that television, the media and the internet offer to alleviate it. By the end of the day, however, they experience dullness, exhaustion, and feel empty inside. In either case, it is necessary to bring much more love into a person’s life in order to finally eradicate hunger.
4. The amount of love is directly related to a person’s daily thoughts, feelings, behavior and choices. This amount can be influenced by everyone with their consciousness. It does not require effort but will and focus. Accordingly, it is very important to realize that the source of sought-after love is always within the seeker, not somewhere outside. We have the ability to create a loving environment by offering love to others as well as to ourselves. Both sharing and receiving love increase the amount of love in a person’s life.
Photo: Pexels