NordenBladet — Members of the Estonian Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) today participate in the Assembly’s Annual Session, which is held online for the first time. Originally, the Session was due to be held in Athens, Greece.

Head of the Estonian Delegation Oudekki Loone said that the NATO PA had succeeded in digitising its daily work, meetings and discussion of reports with remarkable speed in 2020, and new activities had also been rapidly created.

“It is true that several fact-finding missions were cancelled, but thematic web seminars were held to replace them. The level of reports that are to be adopted is high as usual, we have managed to contribute our valuable input to common defence policy in the NATO PA,” she added.

In Loone’s opinion, virtual instruments can still be only a temporary solution. “The idea of parliamentary assemblies is also to deepen the relations between member states, to create a common discussion space, to enable informal discussions, and it is almost impossible to achieve all this through conference software,” Loone said.

The committees of the Assembly will consider and assess several reports, and present resolutions that will be adopted by the plenary session today. Online meetings of committees were held before today’s plenary sessions.

This year, the focus of the Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly is on NATO’s adaptation to the threats and the situations caused by them. The emphasis will be on NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s NATO2030 reflection process, the main aim of which is strengthening of political dimension. The Assembly will also discuss Russia’s continuing threat to security and the new challenges arising from China. Additionally, greater attention will be paid to the security of the Black Sea, the Balkan and the Gulf Region.

Today’s plenary session starts at 4 p.m. and it will be streamed online.

Source: Parliament of Estonia