NordenBladet — Nordic Day is celebrated on 23 March in all the Nordic countries and Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland in honour of the fundamental treaty of Nordic cooperation, which was named after Helsinki and was signed on 23 March 1962. It defines the duties and composition of the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers and, in general, the main areas and methods of Nordic cooperation.

2021 is the 50th jubilee year of the Nordic Council of Ministers and Finland acts as the Councils’ chair. Due to the current situation, this year’s Nordic Day will be celebrated in several virtual events. The day is also marked with flying flags, decoratively illuminated buildings and a visibility campaign on public transport. The City of Helsinki will fly a flag in three locations: City Hall, Finlandia Hall and Railway Square. The Little Parliament annex of the Parliament House will also be decorated with Nordic flags. The Government Palace will be illuminated with the colours of the Nordic flags.

The public transport campaign will be visible on the sides of Helsinki trams and on the digital screens on trams and metro carriages. The campaign will also be visible in the cityscapes of Oulu, Kuopio, Tampere and Turku.

Virtual Nordic Day events
Thomas Blomqvist, the minister in charge of Nordic cooperation, will speak in five different events during the day.

Nordic Culture Point, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Nordic cooperation secretariat of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will hold from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. a virtual discussion examining online behaviour and equality issues:  Hur kan de nordiska länderna skapa trygghet på nätet

Norden Secretariat’s event series on Nordic Day
The 50th jubilee year of the Nordic Council of Ministers will be celebrated on Nordic Day on 23 March with five themed discussions. The Copenhagen Norden Secretariat will compile a series of events which will be streamed, one by one, in different Nordic capitals. The discussions will examine the current Nordic issues highlighted during Finland’s chairmanship. These relate to the themes of equality, border barriers, circular economy, freedom of expression and culture.

All five Nordic Day events
Nordic Day events in different languages:
Norden Pohjolan päivä fi
Norden Nordens dag sv
Norden Nordic Day en
#Nordensdag #Norden2021

Highlights of Virtual Nordic Day events
Arcada, Folkhälsan, Högskolan på Åland och Prakticum will organise: Hur klarar det nordiska välfärdssamhället coronakrisen?

Pohjola-Norden will hold a webinar called Pohjoismaat, yhdessä – Norden, tillsammans (Nordic countries, together) from 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Links to all Pohjola-Norden events in the Nordic week are available here. Nordic Welfare Centre NVC will organise an online event on the participation of disabled children and young people Participation for Children and Young People with Disabilities in the Nordic Region.The Norders business event, organised by Norders Creative Community    Finland’s presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2021