NordenBladet – Føroya Bjór, one of the Faroe Islands’ oldest distilleries, can now add whisky to its growing list of products. 861 bottles of Føroya Bjór’s inaugural single malt whisky, called Einar’s Whisky, were made available for purchase in November last year. All bottles sold out in one day.

“We knew the quality of the whisky was good, but we had no idea that the interest would be so big,” says Einar Waag, CEO of Føroya Bjór.

Whisky guru and founder of the internationally acclaimed Whisky Bible, Jim Murray, agrees with Einar about the quality of the Faroe Islands’ first whisky. He gave Einar’s Whisky 89 out of 100 possible points and highlighted the overall quality, particularly considering the whisky’s young age.

In a letter to local media company Norðlýsið, Jim says: “Hugely impressed. If only more whiskies in Scotland were of this quality! Hearty congratulations on out-Scottishing the Scots!”

The whisky, which was three years old when bottled, was stored in sherry and bourbon casks at Føroya Bjór’s headquarters in the islands’ second largest city, Klaksvík. The bottles are 500ml and abv 51%.

Theis Herdalur, store manager at the Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins, the national alcoholic beverage retailing monopoly of the Faroe Islands, is pleased to offer customers a new product.

“Føroya Bjór are whisky pioneers in the Faroe Islands, and we’re excited to sell this new and exciting product,” he says.

Each bottle of Einar’s Whisky was sold for approximately DKK1100. A new batch is scheduled for release later in 2021.

More whisky on the way

Føroya Bjór will soon face competition from Faer Isles Whisky, a new company who plan on building a new whisky and gin distillery in the village of Kvívík. Faer Islas Whisky’s ambition is to produce 800 to 1,000 barrels of whisky, equating to approximately 500,000 bottles, with 90 to 95 percent being exported. Faer Isles Whisky is funded by whisky enthusiasts worldwide, with founding members coming from 22 countries. From February 2021, the company will invite people to buy shares via their community funding round.