NordenBladet —

Today, President of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) met with Marshal of the Sejm of Poland Elżbieta Witek. The discussed possibilities for regional cooperation and spoke of the issues relating to the border defence of the European Union and its Member States.

“Estonia and Poland are close allies, and our history is similar as well,” Ratas emphasised at the meeting. “We are both members of the EU and NATO, and share the same values.” He recalled that the diplomatic relations between the two countries had lasted for a hundred years, and their trade relations were based on firm grounds, which was proven by the fact that Poland is Estonia’s most important and largest foreign trade partner in Central Europe.

Ratas thanked Poland for their contribution to ensuring the security of the region. He said that both Estonia and Poland were active in strengthening the transatlantic relations and our mutual defence and security policy cooperation was strong.

Situation on the borders of the countries of the region was discussed in greater detail. Ratas and Witek both found that the situation on the borders of the Member States was very uncertain, and it was necessary to act rapidly and flexibly.

The Marshal of the Sejm of Poland pointed out that illegal immigrants coming through Belarus had started to arrive at the Polish border more often, and the refugees from Afghanistan also needed help. This month, more than 1500 persons have illegally crossed the Polish border, and the government has decided to send troops to assist the border guards.

Ratas thanked the Marshal of the Sejm of Poland for participating in the virtual parliamentary forum of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), which was held in early summer at Estonia’s initiative, and expressed hope that Poland would continue the tradition and organise the next meeting. “Cooperation between Estonia and Poland in the framework of the Three Seas Initiative has been excellent, we think alike in many issues, and we are both committed to success of the initiative.”

Witek agreed with Ratas that the Initiative was a valuable cooperation format not only for increasing the connectivity of the North-South axis, but also as a positive platform for transatlantic cooperation, for balancing China’s influence and, through it, for strengthening the cohesion and connectivity of the European Union.

Photos of the meeting (Raigo Pajula)

Source: Parliament of Estonia