NordenBladet — Finland joins the World Economic Forum’s international Global Learning network. Minister of Education Li Andersson participates in the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit on September 21. A central theme at the meeting is to find solutions to close the education gap in education systems around the world that was created during the pandemic.As a member of the Global Learning Network Finland can serve as a mentor and share good education and learning practices with others, in particular when it comes to actions to close the learning gap. The pandemic has shown that it is more important than ever to focus on educational equality.Based on a report by UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank and OECD, around one in three of the 142 countries that participated are not taking concrete actions to help students make up for lost learnings during the pandemic. In Finland, government funding has been allocated to education providers to manage the education gap during 2020-2021.– In Finland, we strongly believe in constantly developing the quality of education and learning. As a part of this collaboration network, we can share our expertise and visions on how to develop learning practices, worldwide. I am very happy to get this opportunity, says Minister of Education Li Andersson. Other speakers at the virtual summit was Henrietta Fore (Executive Director, UNICEF), Matsie Angelina Motshekga (Minister of Basic Education, South Africa), Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, EC), Tariq Al Gurg (CEO, Dubai Cares) and Börje Ekholm (CEO, Ericsson).Among the Nordic countries, Sweden and Iceland are already partners in the Gender Gap theme, while Denmark focuses on the Skills Gap.
More information:
Special Adviser Touko Sipiläinen: tel 0295 330 143
More about the summit and the projects:Sustainable Development Impact Summit, #SDIS21Closing the Skills Gap Accelerators