NordenBladet —
The Prime Minister began his report by acknowledging that, in today’s world where political currents are unpredictable and turbulent, a clear goal is more important than ever before. “Our goal is a high value-added economy, a protected and secure Estonia, and efficient governance,” he said.
Michal pointed out that Estonia’s economic recession had ended in the fourth quarter of last year and the economy was growing again, and Estonia’s exports of goods and services had also increased. According to the Prime Minister, people’s well-being has also increased. The average gross pension increased by 11 percent, bringing the ratio of the average old-age pension to the average wage to an all-time high of 49 percent. The average gross monthly salary increased by eight percent. After-tax wage income grew by 4.2 percent over the year – outpacing price increases, which were 3.5 percent. “And this is a good achievement, given the current economic climate,” the Prime Minister said.
Speaking about energy, Michal highlighted the successful merger with the Western European frequency area and confirmed that the energy mix must include renewable electricity, nuclear energy, new controllable capacities, and storage technology. “In addition, modernized electricity and gas networks that ensure energy security and availability in any situation, be it a storm, heavy snow, damaged lines, or cyber-attacks. Without clean, available, and affordable energy, it will be very difficult for companies to find new markets.”
“According to the latest survey, 88 percent of Estonian residents feel safe in their home country. And that is the way it should stay. We work every day to ensure that confidence is sustained and boosted,” Michal said. He explained that the primary task of the Estonian government was to ensure that military capabilities commensurate with NATO’s defence plans were developed as a matter of urgency. “This means that Estonia’s defence spending will rise to five percent of GDP very quickly, either next year or the year after, depending on how quickly it will be possible to procure equipment and ammunition and to deliver it to Estonia,” Michal said. He added that our allies must also contribute much more to their security and collective defence.
According to the Prime Minister, it is also necessary to strengthen the defence industry in both Europe and Estonia. He pointed out that Estonia has a technology sector with a strong community – the large and successful IT companies that are currently contributing to economic growth were once small start-ups. “A similar development is possible in the defence industry: to first be a new and small flagship of Estonian start-up sector, which will grow into a successful global company,” Michal drew a parallel. He added that products from defence industry companies were needed both in the defence sector and in everyday life, for example in agriculture, transportation, education, and medicine.
Michal also highlighted the need to support local language and artificial intelligence technologies, excessive bureaucracy, Estonia’s high ranking of 11th in the European Innovation Scoreboard, the transition to Estonian-language education, the extension of the obligation to study, the reform of vocational education and the country’s record spending on research and development.
Tanel Kiik (Social Democratic Party), Anti Poolamets (Estonian Conservative People’s Party), Urmas Reinsalu (Isamaa), Margit Sutrop (Reform Party), Igor Taro (Estonia 200) and Lauri Laats (Centre Party) took the floor during the debate.
Verbatim record of the sitting (in Estonian)
Video recording will be available to watch later on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.
Riigikogu Press Service
Maris Meiessaar
+372 631 6353, +372 5558 3993
Link uudisele: Prime Minister presented a report on the implementation of development strategy to the Riigikogu
Source: Parliament of Estonia