Estonia: Pentus-Rosimannus is debating climate policy in Madrid with Frans Timmermans

NordenBladet — Member of the European Union Affairs Committee Keit Pentus-Rosimannus is taking part in a high-level climate policy panel in Madrid, where she will present options for introducing Estonia’s technological solutions for the benefit of achieving climate neutrality, and debate with the Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans.

“We have an excellent opportunity to show that Estonia has the drive to be among the leaders and propose solutions,” Pentus-Rosimannus said. “Transition to climate neutrality is the most extensive project in the European Union in the recent decades, but it is also an important opportunity both for Estonian universities and researchers, as well as our technological innovation businesses. Plus, Estonia already has solutions that we can propose.”

Pentus-Rosimannus emphasised that to reduce effects on climate, it is important for countries to act together as well as to contribute individually. “More success comes to those who start earlier, make more efforts, and manage to involve the state, private, and research sectors into working towards the same goal,” Pentus-Rosimannus explained.

“The Green Deal, presented yesterday by the European Commission, is an attempt to direct EUR 100 billion along with co-financing into supporting more vulnerable regions. We should definitely use this to regenerate the East Viru County after oil shale. In the new seven-year European budget, Estonia is keen to increase funding for Estonia’s research sector that supports the technological leap,” Pentus-Rosimannus said.

Today’s debate is organised by the European Commission in the framework of the COP25. Its speakers include the Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans; business sector representative, Chairman and CEO of Iberdrola José Ignacio Sánchez Galán; national governments representative, member of the Spanish government Teresa Ribera; and national parliaments representative, Member of the Riigikogu Keit Pentus-Rosimannus.

The European Union Green Deal, published yesterday, focuses on combating climate change and working towards environmentally sustainable goals. The Green Deal includes transport, energy, agriculture, circular economy, and biological diversity. The European Union should reduce emissions 55% by 2035 and become climate neutral by 2050. Climate neutrality means that carbon emissions equal the carbon capture capacity.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


EXHAUSTIVE OVERVIEW: who were the ancient Scandinavian origin Vikings and when was the time of the Vikings?

NordenBladet – The Vikings were ancient Scandinavian origin seafarers whose characteristic culture flourished around the 8th until the 11th century (the so called Viking Era). The name “Viking” apparently stems from ancient Nordic word vik that stands for gulf; viking therefore is someone from the gulf, a seafarer. Although the vikings have given their name to an entire era, these warrior-seafarers made up a relatively small proportion of the population of those times, the majority of the people were peaceful farmers. According to yet another theory the name viking comes from old English word wic that stands for a merchandising settlement. Besides the conquering missions the vikings were also engaged in handicraft and trade.

The Vikings were skilled boat builders; their dragon longboats’ board and square sail guaranteed a safe journey on the sea during those times. The trips took them to Iceland, Greenland and North-American shores. Before the dawn of great discoveries the Vikings had a significant role to play in exploring novel lands, however, the word about their travels weren’t widely spread, since they didn’t complete surveys nor create any maps based on measurements.

The Vikings that set sail for Eastern lands were also known as the Varangians. Their activity spread as far as the Byzantine and they played an important political role in the development of the Kyiv-Russian state. On the coast of France the Varangians were known as the Normans.

The Viking trips were also conveyed (especially during the 11th-12th centuries) by Estonians, especially folks from Saaremaa.

Due to weak political arrangements, the spread of Christianity and the development of warfare the Vikings remained in the shadow in 12th century Europe. They founded their settlements here and there and blended in with the local people.

Interest for the activities of Vikings was kindled once more in the Romanticism period when they were depicted as non-historically idealised madly courageous great warriors. Based on influence of recent popculture (movies, comic strips, etc) a rather incorrect image of Viking activities, outlook and lifestyle was spread. Nowadays the followers of ancient Viking Era copy the material and intellectual heritage in their daily life, in Viking camps, festivals, in open air museums and theme parks.

The Norse race being depicted in a mythical and untrue manner gave way to national socialist ideology. A section of the admirers of Vikings have summoned under odinism, asatra, wotanism and other neopaganist religious sects. Extremist ideology and seeking confrontation has lead to serial burning of churches in Norway by the fan of vikings Varg Vikernese.

In the period of 300 years, roughly from 800 – 1050 A.D., central Europe was held under terror by wild men from the Nordics – the Viking warriors. The ambition to collect more silver and gold, slaves and new territioris drove the Vikings to set sail and depart from their homes in current Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Their unexpected and cruel bursts of robberies were legendary; Christian monks described with great horror the looting raids and destruction that befell the wealthy monasteries and towns.

But the Vikings did more than destroy. They were also smart traders, experienced sailors, skilled handicraftsmen and ship builders. They lived in the world of poets and sagas, in daily life matters their society was significantly open and democratic in the context of those times.

Most of us have stumbled upon romantic images of Vikings as ancient Nordic heroes. Unfortunately the majority of these depictions are flawed. The best example would be the wide spread idea of tall males wearing helmets with horns and sitting in dragon-headed ships. As a matter of fact the Vikings never wore helmets with horns, their males were 165 cm tall and females 154 cm tall. The majority of the Vikings were peaceful farmers, just a small portion were active in seafaring, trading and raids. The Scandinavian Viking Era and the corresponding time period in the Baltics – younger Iron Age – have been less available to the wider audience due to limitations set by the Soviet Rule regarding depictions of prehistory.

The unfamiliar articles found from Estonia, especially Saaremaa, the ports and fortresses one finds there are a sign of a society that was same level with the organised neighbouring countries and where seafaring and trade – obviously also piracy – played an important role. There is no depiction of Scandinavian journeys to the East without paying any attention to ancient inhabitants of Saaremaa, Courland and other east coast Baltic Sea inhabitants. Using the notion “Viking” in the broader sense we can with great certainty speak also about Estonian Vikings.

Viking raids
The Vikings traveled, traded and raided all over Europe, reaching in the East to Baghdad and in the West even to America. Iceland was discovered in the year 870 and Greenland in the year 985. The Viking Leif Eriksson was probably the first European to set his foot on American soil in Newfoundland, today’s Canadian territory, and did that already back in the year 1001.

The conditional start time of the Viking Era is taken to be 793 when the warriors, unexpectedly arriving from the North, raided Lidisfarne monastery on an island on the north-eastern coast of England. Such wickedness was a shock to the entire Christian world. Still the raids organised by northern pagans remained not the last, instead for a few centuries these activities became a horrible reality in Western Europe.

The Vikings navigated the long European rivers Rhine, Seine and Loire – as far as Paris. On Easter 845 Paris was raided; the unwelcome guests would leave after king Charles of France paid the Vikings 3150 kg of silver. On top of that the Viking leader Ragnar took as a souvenir a piece of the town gate. Probably to the comfort of the citizens – Ragnar as well as most of his men died of unexpected circumstances on their way back home.

The Vikings started to spend the winter in places they raided and the conquerings would thus extend to many years sometimes. Still a few more years and the Vikings that had stayed in Normandy and Northern England, blended in with the local people and took over the local language.

Vikings on the Eastern roads
The Eastern Vikings, also known as the Varangians, sailed over the Baltic Sea as well as along the long Russian rivers towards southern lands. The destination of many of the journeys of those times were the richest countries of the world they lived in – the Byzantine Empire’s capital city Constantinople (current Istanbul) and the Arab Caliphate’s capital city Baghdad, yet the Vikings also reached Jerusalem and even further. The Byzantine emperor’s security team was made up of Vikings, still it has to be emphasized that among the names of those men that have survived until our times there are also many Finno-Ugric and Baltic names.

According to preserved tradition and the Russian Letopis Chronicles the Varangians mainly stemming from today’s Sweden founded in the year 862 the Old Russian Empire. In North-Western Russia their main centre was Novgorod, Old Ladoga and Izborsk. The existence of the Viking upper class in these settlements as well as around Kyiv is supported by the many Scandinavian style burials.

Apparently the trade channels leading to the Orient were administered by Baltc Finns and the Baltic nations. This was the so-called East Road, Austervegr, though which the Eastern spices and silver poured in to Europe, and back to the Eastern countries the European fur, wax and slaves.

Three routes sprang from the Baltics, that through the Russian rivers connected the East and West. The first of them reached from central Sweden to the Aland Islands, from there along the coast to today’s Helsinki and went on along the Finnish coast to Ladoga. The second route sprang from Saaremaa, went up along Pänu River and River Emajõgi, through smaller water bodies until Lake Peipsi and from there to on Russia. The rich findings of treasures and oldest towns of Estonia on this road speak of its highest importance among the three routes. The third route went along Väina River to Russia.

Estonia in the Viking times
Although the Vikings founded their colony settlements to the territories of today’s Russia and Finland’s west and east coast, they weren’t successful in settling in the Baltics. Nevertheless the majority of important trade routes ran along the coast and rivers here. Probably the reason for this is that in the Scandinavian chronicles describe the activity of the men on the eastern route that never let the Swedish Vikings settle in with their trade centres here. The seafarers in Saaremaa and Courland turned out dangerous for the little countries that emerged in Scandinavia in the 11th and 12th centuries, often romantically referred to as the Estonian (resp Latvian) Viking Era.

The clearest evidence about the treasures pouring through Estonia is the silver buried in the ground, the abundance of which is comparable only to Gotland in the Baltic Sea region. All of the archaelogical findings here refers to strong connection to Swedish Vikings as well as Russian Varangians.

Evidence of ancient Estonians as full feathered members of the Viking world are traced from plenty of burial findings. Of course, with jewellery and weapons only the richest members of the society were buried, as well as the leaders of regions and villages and their families. The weapons and jewellery that were burnt together with the deceased, were sometimes of Scandinavian origin or prepared on the spot after the patterns from there. Most international have been the weapons, which is understandable, since in war one would need to remain on the same level as the neighbour. Also men’s accessories and probably also clothing were in Estonia quite similar to those in the Nordics. This refers to the shared world view – an understanding about what is suitable for a wealthy warrior regarding weapons and accessories was similar on the eastern as well as the western coast of the Baltic Sea.

Vikings – the rulers of the world
The Vikings were skilled and brave seafarers. With their long wooden ships they also sailed across the stormy ocean. On sea the Viking boat mainly moved with the help of a big rectangular sail, close to the shore and also on rivers the mast was lowered and men started rowing. Whenever possible, the Vikings sailed close to the shore in seeing distance and in daylight. When crossing the ocean they used the Sun and stars for navigation. To find the right direction, they carefully paid attention to the wind, seabirds, and the character of the waves.

The best preserved Viking boats have been found in the rich Viking captains burials, the best known to name a few are Oseberg and Gokstad ships in Norway. Although the wood has decayed in these cases as well, the boat structure can be restored based on the preserved iron parts. A lot of pictures depicting drakar ships have preserved.

Nowadays enthusiasts from Scandinavian countries have rebuilt many Viking boats and have even traveled with these on the original Viking raid routes.

When will the Estonian own Viking boat be discovered?
This is the question that has excited everbody around here that has done research on ancient times. It is known to archaeologists that during the Viking Era the dead were burnt sometimes in the boat, as in Scandinavia, but non-burnt ships have not been found from Estonian burials. Who knows, maybe there is a shipwrecked Viking boat waiting to be found by someone near the shore or perhaps today already on the mainland. The ground has risen during the last couple thousand years so significantly that in several Viking Era harbors people today cultivate the field.

The chronicle writer Henry of Latvia has mentioned that Estonians used to have two types of boats – piratica and liburna. The first of these was a war boat, the other was mostly a trade boat. The war boat accommodated ca 30 men, it had a tall bow, probably dragon or snake shaped, and a rectangular sail. The boats of Estonian Vikings were thus similar to the Scandinavian ones, there were however obviously some differences in the building details.

The oldest wrecked ships found from Estonian waters originate from the 13th and 14th centuries and these have been discovered in Pärnu and in Saaremaa Mailinn town. From Riga a wrecked ship from the 12th or 13th century has been discovered, and according to the Latvian experts it might have been built in Courland or Saaremaa.

In Estonia, the underwater archaeologist Vello Mäss has done research on boats and shipping, lately he has authored and published a book on that topic. Illustrations and details from that book have been used in the current overview as well.

Vikings as warriors
Individual courage was a feature most valued by the Vikings. The warriors had to be ready to follow their captain or king to battle, raid or trade journey at any time. It was only in war that one could gain eternal glory and it was everybody’s dream to fall in battle, armed. The warriors that died in that manner were expected to proceed to Valhalla, where they could for ever do the things most pleasant for them: eat, drink, celebrate and fight in battle.

Estonian Vikings in Scandinavian sagas
Estonians as well as Estonian seafarers have been mentioned in the Scandinavian sagas as well as other written sources several times. Oftentimes it is the vague “Eastern route men”, that included also Estonians, mostly men from Saaremaa, and Courland men. Estonia or its various parts have been mentioned on many runestones, announcing the stay or the local death of a memorable person.

According to a Snorri Sturlusoni saga the King of Sweden Erik had organized in the years 850-860 many raids to the Eastern shores of the Baltics, including Estonia, conquering these territories.

In the year 967 the then 3-year-old King of Norway Olav Trygvesson traveled with his mother Estrid together with merchants to Novgorod to Estrid’s brother Sigurd, when they were attacked by pirates. Olav ended up being separated from his mother and was sold together with two mates, Torulfi and Torgils, to a cruel Estonian named Klerkon, who put Torulfi to death because of him being weak. Olav and Torgils in turn were traded for a good goat.

The new owner of the boys Klerk sold them again to a family of generous Estonians, to master Reas and mistress Rekon. Olav grew up in Estonia and was set free six years later when his uncle noticed him by chance at the market and bought him and Torgils back. Mother Estrid was set free still some years later.

Njalli saga songs mention a sea battle between Icelandic Vikings and Estonians somewhere near Saaremaa in the year 972. The writer referred to Estonians as the Estonian Vikings and their boats as warboats.

The Varangian Ulf (Uleb) coming from Novgorod was destroyed according to Novgorodian chronicles apparently at a sea battle near today’s Tallinn near the Iron Gate.

According to the chronicler Saxo Grammaticus the Courland men and Saaremaa men raided the Danish territory in 1170. Estonian pirates were probably among the “Eastern route men” that destroyed Central Sweden’s capital Sigtuna. Henry of Latvia repeatedly described raids to Scandinavia led by men from Saaremaa in the beginning of the 13th century, as well as the sea battles with men from Saaremaa on the Eastern shore of the Baltic Sea.

When comparing the anciend cultural landscape of the Eastern and Western coast of the Baltic Sea, it strikes us that there is an abundance of fortresses on the Eastern coast. This tendency can be observed already back in the Bronze Age, yet only in the Viking Era the number of fortresses becomes especially outstanding. In the Viking Era the parishes emerged that in later times were functioning as administrative and ecclesiastical territorial units. In the parish centres, later near the church, the fortresses can be found. The fortresses were the centres for centralised power and served as the residence of the local well-off nobleman.

The fortresses became especially strong in the 11th century when some of the earlier fortresses were abandoned and new fortresses were built near them. Just like some other phenomena, this was a feature that indicated important socio-political changes in Estonia in those days; probably greater segregation and the centralization of power.

During archaeological excavations it has become clear that the fortresses were constantly in use. In one of Estonia’s largest fortresses, Varbola, the remains of more than 70 buildings have been found. The houses were built from cross beams, in the corner was the stove. The houses of noblemen have not been distinguished from among other buildings since the fortresses have been only partly examined.

Clothing in the Viking Era
The clothes of Estonian men during the Viking times strongly resembles the Scandinavian clothing of those times, there is especially significant similarity with Gotland’s and Central Sweden’s Vikings. The complete outfit included woollen pants, long linen or woollen shirt and cloak extending to the knees. The collar and the edges of the cloak or the coat were often decorated with bronze spirals.

Belts, as well as sword belts were decorated with bronze nails. The belt always included a bronze lining sheath with the knife.

Different from the Scandinavian Vikings the Estonian men used to wear rather many rings on their fingers, also bracelets. While the Baltic warriors had special war bracelets then Estonian men mostly wore the same type of bracelets as women (only the spiral bracelets and the Saaremaa type bracelets never occur in male burials).

In the earlier times of the Viking Era men used to fasten their cloaks with ring head jewellery needles. In the 10th century the brooches became only a male type jewellery and men began to fasten their coats and shirts with horse shoe shaped pins.

There is little information about male headgear. In the Livonian burials there are sometimes hats with leather and cloth decorations with bronze spirals.

Armory of the Vikings
Most of the Viking Era arms that have been found in Estonia represent an international variety of weapons. Still it is possible to bring out some characteristic features. Fully preserved swords have rarely been found in Estonian burials, mostly they are fragments of the sword handle. All the swords though that have been found represent the type mostly common in Scandinavia.

Most frequently spear heads can be found in the burials, the types of which greatly vary from the very luxurious imported articles to plain local production. Oftentimes the throwing spear and stabbing spear heads are found together. An abundance of throwing spear heads have been found from Estonia. In some burials hatchets have been found.

Henry of Latvia speaks of marching troops armed with spears and mentions throwing spears that came with special equipment for throwing them. From many burials archaeologists have found equipment of cavalry. It is obvious that the noblemen fought in battle on horseback with swords and infantry used throwing and stabbing spears.

The findings from burials can mostly vaguely be connected to the common usage of weapons. Often spear heads are found near the burials, sometimes also remains of shield cups, these have probably been cast there during some kind of a ritual held within the funeral procedure or after it. Apparently the addition of the shield in the burial wasn’t common. Arrow heads are rare, but in Livonian burials there are often remains of shields as well as arrow sheaths.

Arms, especially the sword, are glorified in many Scandinavian sagas, the best of them were even named. Good arms, like damask covered sword blades and spear heads were very expensive. The most luxurious arms were decorated with silver wire or thin layer of silver or gold, with complex engraved ornaments.

Women’s clothes
Like in the neighbouring countries the clothing of women in Estonia included linen shirt (woollen in winter), covered by woollen tunic without sleeves. In Southern Estonia were the influence of Latgales was greater, instead on the tunic dress-coat a rug shirt was common.

For festive occasions and during colder periods women used to wear manyfold woollen rugs that were decorated on the edges with woven horsehair and sewn-in bronze spirals and colourful ribbons. The rugs were wrapped around the shoulders and held together with horse shoe shaped brooches.

The abundance of bronze spirals in the Viking Era female burials is significant. The spirals were decorating the shirts, the rugs, the headscarfs. The embroidery has not preserved.

A leather or woven belt was worn around the waist. Leather belts were decorated with bronze pins and a keychain along with a knife sheath was attached to the belt, decorated with a bronze layer. The belt had historically been among the most important components also in a magical context. It was believed that the belt had magic powers that safeguarded the owner; older verse describes maidens weaving belts (a motive symbolizing the thread of life). The belt was frequently worn also during the night, even expecting girls had to wear a belt (it kept them safe from the evil eye).

Headgear decorated with bronze spirals and scarfs with bronze patterns were common all around Estonia. It was required that wed wives not left the house with their heads uncovered, this was already common in the Viking Era (there was a similar tradition in Scandinavia). This requirement has been associated with the necessity to distinguish the woman with a symbol of marital status as well as with the belief widely spread in pre-industial society, that the hair of women sexually related to a male possessed power and that these powers were to be controlled (i.e. the hair was to be cut or hidden).

The most significant adornment that women in the 11th century Estonia wore, was certainly the bosom decoration that was composed of chains, pins and the holders.The lenght and number of the chest jewellery depended on the wealth of the owner, but most of the Viking Era female burials include at least some fragments of the chest jewellery. In the early Viking times the pins were rather modest; from the 10th century on the pins bacame bigger and the chains longer and heavier. Pendants and bells were often attached to the chains.

Wealthier women had many neckrings simultaneously as well as up to ten bracelets. The Viking time Estonia was rich in several types of bracelets, just the spiral bracelet was common all over the country. Rings were also of many types, worn by women as well as men. The typology of brooches is also versatile; brooches were used for holding together the rug and shirt neck.

Women’s adornments can roughly be divided in two: Saaremaa and Läänemaa regions as opposed to Eastern Estonian adornments. In Saaremaa and Läänemaa in the Western part there were various trianguar chest pins and a certain type of bracelets and neck rings. In Eastern Estonia chest jewellery was not used at all in earlier Viking times, therefore it can be concluded that instead of the tunic held by brooches the Eastern women wore rug skirts. Eastern Estonian type of adornments (with cross-head) became wide spread only in the 11th century. The variety of bracelets and neck rings is larger in Eastern Estonia than in Läänemaa.

Women and children of Vikings
In the Middle Ages the Viking women had more autonomy than their sisters in Europe. The woman ran the household and directed the domestic arrangements, especially when men were away for the long journeys. The female type and male type responsibilities were strictly separated in those times and the border was well established. Although in the Scandinavian legends one can find the valkyries, the female warriors, no trace of actual data about the existence of female warriors has been confirmed.

Differently from the Scandinavian tradition, on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea there are occasionally female burials with arms, either as tools or symbols of their status. The knife in the sheath with plenty of bronze decorations intimately belonged to the festive gown of Estonian women.

Every Viking woman spent the day spinning with the spindle. It was enormous effort to produce thread from the wool or cotton, that thereafter was woven to cloth on vertical looms. On images that have been preserved until our times, the women of the Viking Era are oftentimes holding a spindle.

Equally many female and male burials are known from the Viking times. At first glance there seem to be more of the wealthy female burials, but this is because women wore more adornments.

It is generally believed that the burial traditions reflect the beliefs and the worldview of the society. Rich contributions in burials in the Viking times in female burials refer to the important role of women in their society, the status was a sum of the woman’s as well as the husband’s position in the society.

Bone material that has poorly preserved due to burning won’t allow determining the age of the deceased and thus it is difficult to say whether it was the maidens or the wed wives with the most contributions (in other words: if it was the parents or the husband more important in the society). In later period of younger Iron Age the maiden’s burials are more modest as compared to those of wives.

From some of the female burials in Saaremaa weights have been found. Similar burials are also in Scandinavia. Some scientist interpret this as the reference to women’s inclusion in trade, some only relate these to status. Probably women had more roles tp play than just running the household, since men were most of the time away from home in battle and trading.

The Arab traveller, visiting Hedeby town in Southern Scandinavia around 950 A.D., wrote of women there that loved to accentuate the beauty of their eyes with dark shades defining the eye. The same was observed in many Viking men. Also adornments were worn by men and women equally.

The Viking people had many children, but more than half of the children died in early age. It has been estimated that just three out of ten babies lived to their first birthday.
Also the mean age of women was less than in men, since many of the young women died while giving birth.

The Viking kids grew at home, where they learned to work by observing their parents and fellows. In Scandinavia, but perhaps also in Estonia it was common to give sons of elders to be a foster child in another elder’s family for some time.

At an early age boys began learning how to use arms, in the beginning these were wooden arms and later actual arms. From burials of young boys miniature copies of actual arms have been found.

When the Vikings stayed in foreign land for a longer period, they brought their wives and children along. This was how the Scandinavian colonies were formed, the members of these blended with the local people after a few generations.

Read also:
Stockholm´s museums: The Viking Museum – tourist info, guides, pictures
NordenBladet – For those, who are interested in Norse mythology and wish to experience the Viking age, I recommend to visit The Viking Museum in Djurgårdsvägen 48, 115 21 Stockholm. In the exhibition, several guided tours are held daily in Swedish and English. Audioguide and adventure ride is available in English, Russian, Finnish, Italian, French, Spanish German, Chinese and Swedish.

Viking is ‘forefather to British royals’? Norwegian-French investigation hopes to reveal that Norwegian Viking noble Ganger Hrólf was the same person as Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy
NordenBladet – A joint Norwegian-French investigation hopes to reveal that Norwegian Viking noble Ganger Hrólf was the same person as Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy – and the forefather of the British royal family.

Estonia: The Riigikogu passed the Act concerning the reimbursement of the labour costs of medical residents

NordenBladet — At today’s sitting, the Riigikogu passed the Act under which the legal bases for the reimbursement of the labour costs of medical residents from the budget of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund will be created from 2020.

The Act on Amendments to the University of Tartu Act and the Estonian Health Insurance Fund Act (98 SE), initiated by the Government, provides that the organisation of residency, the theoretical training and the organising costs incurred by residency teaching hospitals are financed from the state budget.

The amendments concern in particular the Estonian Health Insurance Fund which will begin to reimburse the labour costs of medical residents to the University of Tartu; currently the Ministry of Social Affairs is in charge of reimbursing. 18 million euro have been planned for that in 2020. The Act also concerns the University of Tartu who will have an additional contract partner to fund residency places, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, besides the Ministry of Social Affairs.

91 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of the Act.

During the open microphone, Peeter Ernits took the floor.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


Estonia: Foreign Affairs Committee discussed international politics with Finnish colleagues

NordenBladet — At the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Finnish Parliament Eduskunta, the discussion focused on the regional and global political situation.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Enn Eesmaa emphasised the value of the cooperation between the two committees. “It is very important that the Estonian-Finnish regional cooperation and the cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic format continues to be stable and strong,” Eesmaa said.

The committees shared experiences on their activities and organisation of work, and on dealing with topical issues. They discussed their positions on the European Union politics, international security, NATO and the resolution of defence issues. The relations with Russia, their common neighbour, were also spoken about at the meeting.

The digital cooperation between Estonia and Finland, and the state of affairs in the cross-border data exchange and future plans were discussed at the joint sitting. The exchange of digital prescriptions, which was launched this January, and the dispensation of medicinal products on the basis of Finnish digital prescriptions in Estonian pharmacies were mentioned as successful examples of data exchange.

The members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Eduskunta gave an overview of the current state of affairs in the Finnish internal politics, and replied to the questions of their Estonian colleagues about the political situation and the changes in their Government.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


Estonia: The Riigikogu gets an overview of the implementing of EU policies

NordenBladet — During the discussion at the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia), which starts today at 10, Prime Minister of Estonia Jüri Ratas will give an overview of the activities of the Government in implementing of the European Union policies. Chairperson of the European Union Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Anneli Ott will deliver a report, and the representatives of factions will present their positions.

The speech of Prime Minister Jüri Ratas will focus on the security of the European Union, issues relating to climate neutrality, digital internal market and Estonia’s main objectives in the Union in the coming years. The Prime Minister thinks that globally influential and integrated European Union, based on values and solidarity and internally effective, is in the interests of Estonia.

In her report, Chairperson of the European Union Affairs Committee Anneli Ott will speak about the challenges of climate policy and achieving an agreement on the EU’s new long-term budget for 2021–2027.

“Only a year ago, we did not speak much about the climate issues at the discussion of the European Union policy. Now the climate policy topics dominate in all fields, starting from the European Union budget and ending with agricultural policy,” Ott pointed out. She added that ambitious climate targets required good cooperation and great flexibility from all member states. “It is the greatest challenge of the new budget period and a stress test for the functioning of the Union. But ambitious targets can be achieved only by mobilising oneself and joining forces,” Ott said.

The discussion of the activities of the Government in implementing of the European Union policies will be live streamed on the web page of the Riigikogu.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


Estonian delegation participates in the NATO PA Transatlantic Parliamentary Forum

NordenBladet —

The Estonian Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly participates in the NATO PA Transatlantic Parliamentary Forum in Washington this week.

Head of the Estonian Delegation, member of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) Oudekki Loone said that practically all focus issues and challenges of international politics of today would be discussed at the Forum, mainly from the position of the organising country the USA: from nuclear weapons to the elections in the USA, the crises in Syria Afghanistan and more generally in the Middle East.

“One of the most relevant tasks of the NATO PA is giving the member states an opportunity to exchange ideas on all these topics,” Loone added. She thinks that it is important that Estonia contributes to such discussions. “At the same time I would like to emphasise to my Estonian colleagues that although a wider discussion is necessary, NATO’s central role is ensuring peace in Europe, and not interfering in every conflict across the world. It is better to do one thing well than many things poorly,” Loone said.

The opening panel of the Forum today will be devoted to Transatlantic relations after the London Leaders Meeting. It will be followed by discussions about nuclear weapons and arms control, the changing global order, the state of Transatlantic relations, the Syrian crisis and the situation in Iran, the Far East, Russia and Ukraine. The 2020 elections in the US as well as the US defence priorities and the US approach to the war in Afghanistan will also be spoken about.  

Besides the Head of the Delegation Oudekki Loone, members of the Estonian Delegation to the NATO PA Andres Metsoja and Ants Laaneots will also attend the Forum.

Riigikogu Press Service
Epp-Mare Kukemelk
+372 631 6356, +372 515 3903 

Source: Parliament of Estonia

Estonia: The Bill concerning the rates of the state fees relating to foreign missions passed the second reading in the Riigikogu

NordenBladet — The Bill that will amend the rates of the state fees for acts performed in foreign missions and will establish new state fees for acts which as yet are not subject to a fee passed the second reading in the Riigikogu today.

With the Bill on Amendments to the State Fees Act, the Identity Documents Act and the Consular Act (78 SE), initiated by the Government, the planned state fees for acts performed in foreign missions are intended to be brought in line with actual costs. The state fee charged for acts performed under Acts in foreign missions will be raised so that it will be higher by 30 euro than the state fee charged for the performance of the same acts in Estonia. The Bill has been drafted in particular to cover the costs related to accepting applications, issuing documents and using the postal service. A state fee for issuing documents in Estonian foreign missions and through honorary consuls will also be established. This service has so far been free of charge.

A Bill was dropped from the proceedings of the Riigikogu:

The Bill on Amendments to the Alcohol Act (83 SE), initiated by members of the Riigikogu Kalle Laanet, Jürgen Ligi, Andrus Seeme, Kristen Michal, Erkki Keldo, Annely Akkermann, Kristina Šmigun-Vähi, Urmas Kruuse, Vilja Toomast, Jüri Jaanson, Aivar Sõerd, Ants Laaneots and Toomas Kivimägi, provided for granting local governments greater rights to regulate the sale of alcohol on their territories.

The Bill would have allowed municipal councils to restrict the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the spot on their entire administrative territories or parts thereof for the period from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m., and from 12 midnight to 10 a.m. on the nights preceding days off.

During the debate, Jürgen Ligi from the Reform Party Faction and Tarmo Kruusimäe from the Faction Isamaa took the floor.

The lead committee moved to reject the Bill at the first reading. 43 members of the Riigikogu voted in favour of the motion, 20 were against, and there was one abstention. Thus, the Bill was dropped from the legislative proceedings.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


Estonia: Cultural Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee discussed the situation of Finno-Ugric peoples  

NordenBladet — Today, the Cultural Affairs Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) were given an overview of the activities of Estonia in supporting the Finno-Ugric peoples and of the preparations for the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples, which would take place in Tartu in summer.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa said that overviews of the situation of Finno-Ugric peoples had been on the agenda of the Committee since 2005. He pointed out that today’s meeting had been the Foreign Affairs Committee’s 20th hearing on the Finno-Ugric topic, and the third to be held together with the Cultural Affairs Committee.

In reply to the question raised by Eesmaa on the work-related migration of the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Committees were explained that the population number of our kindred nations was decreasing fast because people had been leaving mainly for more rapidly developing regions in the Russian Arctic in search for better work and bread. It is also a wide-spread practice to go to Moscow and Saint Petersburg for seasonal work because there are not enough jobs in the region.

Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Aadu Must drew a parallel between the situation of Finno-Ugric kindred peoples and the Estonians living in Siberia. He said that the Finno-Ugric peoples were facing very serious problems, from Russification of names to the possibilities of learning their languages.

The fact that supporters of Finno-Ugric peoples have had difficulties with extending the Russian visa that is necessary for their work was highlighted at the sitting as being of particular concern.

Member of the Cultural Affairs Committee Signe Kivi considered it important to support the studies and culture of the students belonging to Uralic indigenous peoples who study at the Estonian universities. Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson acknowledged Estonia’s work with the kindred peoples. In his opinion, the Kindred Peoples’ Programme is an excellent example of how Estonia as a small country can keep contacts with the kindred peoples and really do something for small nations.

The Committees were told about the preparations for the 8th World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples. The main theme of the Congress will be “Cultural landscapes – language and mind”. Besides the problems relating to language preservation, language imparting and bilingualism, the impact of climate change on Finno-Ugric peoples and the issues of cultural innovation will be discussed at the Congress held at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu from 17 to19 June 2020.

Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Anti Poolamets underlined as a positive message that the topics of the Congress also include the opportunities of traditional and new media channels as well as the application of contemporary linguistic technologies within networks of Finno-Ugric peoples.

It was also that the Finno-Ugric peoples were having great problems with the media in their national languages, because there are few TV and radio channels. The situation of national languages in the Internet is a little better. The spread of national languages is also hindered by the legislative amendment passed in Russia in 2018, as a result of which national languages are taught and studied significantly less at schools.

Member of the Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric Peoples Tõnu Seilenthal, Director Viia-Kadi Raudalainen and Counselor Jaak Prozes from NPO Fenno-Ugria, Chair of the Board of the Kindred Peoples’ Programme Sirli Zupping, Member of the Council of Elders of the Seto Congress Rieka Hõrn and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture were invited to the sitting.


Source: Parliament of Estonia


Estonia ranks first in Europe according to the OECD’s international survey PISA 2018 (Programme for International Student Assessment)

NordenBladet – The skills of Estonian students rank 1st in Europe according to the OECD’s international survey PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). Estonian students rank first in all three domains of assessment. The share of top performers has increased while the share of students performing below the baseline level has decreased. The results indicate that the level of education provided by basic school is not dependent on the socio-economic background of a student.

>Estonia’s 15-year-olds rank 1st in reading, science and mathematics in Europe while in the world, Estonia’s students rank 5th in reading, 8th in mathematics and 4th in sciences. Estonia belongs to one of five countries globally where students have demonstrated improved results in two domains. The PISA results suggest that Estonia’s education system is effective and ensures equity – compared to other countries, there is a large number of students who despite socio-economic disadvantage attain a high level of academic proficiency.

“We must first of all thank our students, parents and teachers for these results. Their dedication and hard work each day gives us reason to take pride in our education,” said Mailis Reps, the Minister of Education and Research of Estonia. “Our consistently excellent PISA results show that we have made right choices in our education policy in this fast-changing world. I am glad that Estonia is increasingly known and recognised as an education nation.”

PISA 2018 focused on reading literacy. The Estonian results demonstrate a steady growth in performance, increasing by 22 points compared to 2009 when reading literacy was last assessed. The difference between the performance of boys and girls has declined significantly. Estonian students are very good in searching for information and data. The number of top performers has increased compared to the last PISA assessment in 2015. 13.9% of students are able to solve complicated and very complicated tasks compared to OECD’s average of 8.5%.

Estonian students have one of the highest levels of knowledge in natural sciences (biology, physics and chemistry): 1st in Europe and OECD member states, and 4th in the world. The share of top performers in sciences is double the OECD average (12.2% compared to 6.8%). Estonia also has the lowest number (8.8%) of low performing students among European and OECD member states (the OECD average is 22%).

In mathematics, Estonian students rank 1st in Europe and 8th in the world. 15.5% of students are top performers compared to OECD average of 5%. Boys rank slightly higher than girls in mathematics.

PISA assesses skills necessary for future

The domains PISA assesses play fundamental role in students’ future studies and performance, said Gunda Tire, the PISA Coordinator in Estonia and expert at the Foundation Innove. “PISA provides countries with feedback on their education system. The results are helpful for understanding which aspects of the education system require more attention,” said Tire. “In addition to skills and knowledge, PISA also looks as students’ well-being.”

The majority (77%) of Estonian students exhibit growth mindset – they  believe that they are capable of improving their intelligence and are willing to put effort into their own development in order to secure a better future. This is the highest among OECD countries. 70% of students plan to attain higher education; the most popular professions are ICT specialist, doctor, CEO, architect and psychologist.

On average, 70% of Estonian students are satisfied with their life, which is above OECD’s average. For the first time, PISA 2018 studied how students feel in their lives. Results demonstrate that 89% of students feel always happy and cheerful while 53% are worried and 51% sad.

Estonia’s challenges

While the differences in results between boys and girls in reading literacy has decreased and both genders have improved significantly, the share of low-performing boys is larger than we would like. A student-oriented approach and a greater attention to different approaches are something that help to decrease the number of low performers.

Similarly to previous results, a performance gap between schools with different languages of instruction persists. The consistent gap shows that more attention must be paid to training teachers and headmasters. It must be highlighted that students at schools with Russian as the language of instruction perform above the OECD average.

Estonia’s education know-how in the world

Thanks to the excellent results in PISA, Estonia has become an education expert in the world, said minister Mailis Reps. “I am glad that we have proven ourselves to the world in three of the most important domains. By learning from other countries, we have been able to shape our unique path that has made us a top performer. We have become from students to teachers. Now it is our turn to share our expertise and know-how,” said Reps.

“There is great interest in our success story. We have a story to share with the world. We have established an international brand and concept to introduce Estonia’s education,” Reps added.

The brand is called “Education Nation – for the smartEST people in the world”. Working together gives an opportunity to go further, increase the attractiveness of Estonia and provide better support to Estonian education technology companies, said Reps. The brand helps to share Estonia’s know-how, competences, experiences, trainings, smart solutions or products better and it will assemble a number of initiatives and undertakings that showcase Estonia’s education.


  • 79 countries and economies and 600 000 students aged 15 participated in PISA 2018 testing. 5371 students from Estonia participated in the test (4000 in Estonian language and 1371 in Russian language).
  • PISA focuses on the 15-year-olds because at this age, students in many OECD countries graduate compulsory education and decide their next steps.
  • PISA is a triennial international survey with a goal to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students in mathematics, reading and sciences. Each PISA cycle explores one of the subjects in more detail. PISA 2018 focused on reading literacy. The financial literacy was also studies and the results will be published in 2020.


Featured image: Pexels

Estonia: European Union Affairs Committee discusses new EU action plan and climate topics with its colleagues in Helsinki

NordenBladet — Members of the European Union Affairs Committee (EUAC) of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) are taking part in the Plenary Meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) in Helsinki.

Chair of the EUAC Anneli Ott said that the newly appointed European Commission had set climate-neutral Europe by 2050 one of its clear political goals. “The European Parliament has declared climate emergency, and it is certainly not possible to avoid climate issues. But as Ursula von der Leyen pointed out in her speech, transition towards climate neutrality must be just and inclusive – or it will not happen at all,” Ott said.

Deputy Chair of the EUAC Riina Sikkut emphasised that the new Commission had also adopted strengthening Europe’s global position and innovation in digital technology as its targets. “Europe must own key technologies itself and not import them. If we do not control data and technologies and the ways they are used, then it is not possible to achieve top-level technological innovation ambitions,” Sikkut said.

Today, the COSAC agenda includes Finnish Presidency, promoting rule of law and fundamental rights in the European Union, and discussion on the main objectives of the new European Commission. The last panel will open with a speech by Vice President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič. Prime Minister of Finland Antti Rinne will give an overview of the achievements of the Finnish Presidency.

Tomorrow, COSAC Plenary Assembly will focus on the European climate strategy. The debate is opened by presentations from climate specialists. The delegations of the Member States will then discuss how climate and energy policy could launch a new era in European economy. The EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier will also make a speech.

The Plenary Meeting of the COSAC is taking place in Helsinki until 3 December. Other participants from Estonia are Tarmo Kruusimäe and Oudekki Loone.


Source: Parliament of Estonia