The Bill on Amendments to the Status of Member of Riigikogu Act (545 SE) passed the first reading. It will provide for lowering the rate for the reimbursement of work-related expenses of members of Riigikogu to 25 percent of the salary of the members of the Riigikogu. As a result, it will be possible for the state to save approximately 400,000 euro annually. In the opinion of the initiators of the bill, reducing the limit for the reimbursement of work-related expenses of members of Riigikogu by one-sixth is reasonable, and the work of the 15th Riigikogu will not suffer as a result. According to the Bill, the Act will enter into force from 1 January 2025.
Lauri Laats (Centre Party) and Marek Reinaas (Estonia 200) took the floor during the debate.
On the motion of the Constitutional committee, the first reading of the Bill was concluded and the deadline for submission of motions to amend was set for 4 p.m. on 11 January.
Minister of Social Protection Signe Riisalo replied to the interpellation concerning the activities of the Government committee on population policy (No. 661), Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna replied to the interpellation concerning Estonia’s voting in the United Nations General Assembly (No. 663) and Minister of Climate Yoko Alender replied to the interpellation concerning plans to mine phosphate rock (No. 664), submitted by members of the Riigikogu.
Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee Andre Hanimägi pointed out that the Bill would create means for better protection of customers. “The new type of procedural mechanism will allow the competent entity to go to court, with the consent of the victims, to collectively request compensation for damage from the service provider that has caused a problem. Thanks to collective representative action, consumers do not have to go to court themselves and they will also not have the risk of having to bear the costs.”
For the second reading, the Committee decided to add to the Bill an amendment, which determines the minimum number of consumers concerned by a representative action in order for the case to be proceeded as a representative action – ten persons if an organisation of consumers turns to court, or 20 persons if the action is brought by a state agency.
“The purpose of the Directive is to protect the consumers, and at the same time strengthen the entities representing the interests of consumers. As there are not many such entities in Estonia, we considered it right to grant the right to bring representative actions also to governmental authorities, or to the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, the Financial Supervision Authority and to the Data Protection Inspectorate. At the same time, we hope that the amendment will also encourage the emergence of consumer associations that would stand for the consumers,” Hanimägi said.
Before the second reading, the Committee also made a specification to the Bill, which ensures that it would be unambiguously clear that the collective representative action would be applied only in the case of infringement of collective interests of natural persons. It is also provided that all decisions made in collective representative actions will be made public, as there is a public interest in them due to the large number of consumers.
Accoeding to the Bill, the right to bring collective representative actions will be granted to the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, the Financial Supervision Authority and the Data Protection Inspectorate, as well as to other competent entities who will be entered in the list kept by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The right to bring action may also be granted by the court.
The Bill will transpose an European Union directive that aims to ensure the availability of collective representative action to consumers in Member States. The aim is to boost consumer confidence, to promote fair competition and to create a level playing field for businesses operating in the internal market. It will be a new opportunity in the Estonian legal space where competent authorities, and not consumers who have been harmed, will be able to perform procedural acts in judicial proceedings.
Cross-border representative actions can be brought by competent entities entered in the list kept by the European Commission, or by organisations which have been designated by Member States of the European Union.
Stella Johanson, Adviser of the Courts Division of the Judicial Administration Policy Department of the Ministry of Justice, participated in the sitting.
The second reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure and Other Acts (establishment of collective representative action procedure) (334 SE), initiated by the Government, will take place at the plenary sitting of the Riigikogu on 11 December.
NordenBladet —On Sunday, Dec. 8, the active phase of Exercise Pikne concluded with a field training exercise including offensive and defensive battles. The coming week will include live-fire exercises for Allied units at the Sirgala training area. “French Armed Forces have demonstrated the ability to deploy its units very quickly when …
NordenBladet —On Saturday, December 7, members of the Regional Command North-East of the Estonian Defence League held simulated defensive battles as part of multinational military exercise Pikne. Units from Estonia, France, the United Kingdom and Latvia were involved in the training. “We reached combat readiness during this night, the troops familiarised themselves with the positions, conducted reconnaissance, and …
NordenBladet —On Saturday, December 7, exercise Pikne concluded for Estonian and Allied naval vessels. During the last days of the exercise, the naval units practiced cooperation on patrolling the maritime areas and protecting the ships against threats from other vessels and drones. “It was the first time for us to practice …
NordenBladet —The Military Intelligence Center of Estonian Defence Forces has set up a hotline on its website to expand the possibilities of collecting information for the purpose of ensuring national security. As per the assessment of the Military Intelligence Center (MIC), due to the aggressive and expansionist actions of the Eastern …
The Chairman of the Committee Peeter Tali emphasised that the European Union Affairs Committee fully supported a closer cooperation between the higher education institutions of Member States as well as the European Degree Label, but did not agree with the speed with which the degree was being introduced.
“A European degree would mean a new and parallel qualification and force us to make changes in the national legislation. Too much has remained unknown, too many questions unanswered, too many loose ends untied; this is why we find it impossible to support the creation of a European degree and its introduction along with the European Degree Label at this moment,” Tali said. He also stressed the importance of ensuring that there was a balance between the Estonian-medium and international curricula and that the higher education was provided in Estonian as widely as possible.
The initiative also involves creating a new quality ensuring system. Estonia’s positions say that we support improving the quality ensuring systems but see no reason to develop a new cross-institutional system. Estonia sees this as repetitive and inadequate to fulfilling the goal of reducing administrative burden.
Estonia finds that overall the package must respect the subsidiarity of the Member States in education, and may not interfere with the autonomy or academic freedom of universities. A better model and solution would be an agreement on the automatic recognition of qualifications, such as is already in place between the Baltic and Benelux countries. All EU Member States are welcome to join it, and Poland and Ireland have already expressed their interest.
The Government’s positions on the European higher education package initiatives presented by the European Commission were explained by the Lead Expert from the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Research Janne Pukk. The European Union Affairs Committee decided by consensus to support the positions, taking into account the opinion of the Cultural Affairs Committee.
NordenBladet —On Thursday, December 5, reserve troops of the Short-Range Air Defense Battery, Estonian Division, practiced countering air threats using man-portable air defence systems Piorun as part of exercise Pikne. The reservists were ordered to report to duty by the Estonian Government on December 3 with the announcement of initiating a snap exercise (SNAPEX) Okas 24-2 („Quill 24-2“). “Today is already the third day of the …
NordenBladet —Throughout this week, the minehunter FS Croix du Sud of the French Navy is involved in hunting historical ordnances in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland as part of the exercise Pikne („Lightning“). The first ordnance was countermined on the 4th of December. “Our main task is to conduct historical ordnance disposal operations, but through this, we are able to …
According to Mihkelson, it is also essential to stop the onslaught of Russian imperialism in Georgia by imposing personal sanctions on the oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili and his henchmen, and in order to emerge from the constitutional crisis, it is necessary to hold new and free elections in the country.
Yesterday and the day before, Mihkelson and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Eerik-Niiles Kross had meetings in Washington, D.C. with Jim Risch, who will become Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and Jeanne Shaheen, who will be Deputy Chair of this Committee, as well as with members of the House of Representatives Joe Wilson, Bill Huizenga, Joe Courtney and Brad Schneider.
Mihkelson said that the meetings were an opportunity to reaffirm that Estonia was committed to maintaining and developing good relations with the USA, and continued to honour its alliance commitments, to strengthen its security and to firmly support Ukraine. “Ukraine needs support as long as it has won the war, and the continued contribution of the US is crucial here,” he said. In addition to supporting Ukraine, the continuing of transatlantic cooperation, increasing of European defence contribution, strengthening of deterrence and defence on NATO’s eastern flank and the critical situation in Georgia were also discussed at the meetings.
Together with Member of the European Parliament, former Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament pf Latvia Rihards Kols, Mihkelson and Kross met with the representatives of the US network Business Executives for National Security. The members of the Parliament of Estonia also had a meeting at the think tank Hudson Institute.
Mihkelson and Kross are in the USA to participate in the annual Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum in Washington, which will also be attended by Member of the Riigikogu Mati Raidma. At the beginning of next week, Mihkelson will be in Washington with Head of the Estonian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Raimond Kaljulaid to attend the Assembly’s Transatlantic Forum, which will include a visit to the NATO headquarters in Norfolk and a visit to a US naval base.