Tag: Denmark

The Danish Government donates DKK 70 million to the worst humanitarian crisis in the...

NordenBladet — Yemen is currently facing the worst man-made humanitarian crisis in the world. Following three years of armed conflict, 75 percent of the...

WHY is Scandinavia so rich? Why are Scandinavian/Nordic countries so wealthy?

NordenBladet - Probably many people have ever wondered why the Nordic countries are so rich and enjoy a very high standard of living. Nordic countries...

WHO ARE rich in Scandinavia? List of Nordic dollar billionaires (Forbes’ 2017-edition of the...

NordenBladet - According to Forbes' 2017-edition of the world's billionaires the world's richest person is still Bill Gates, with a combined wealth of almost...

The Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs opens Danish Embassy in Algeria

NordenBladet — Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anders Samuelsen, will visit Algeria on the 4th to the 6th of March to officially open the Danish...

Danish politicians react to government’s ‘ghetto plan’

NordenBladet - Lawmakers from parties across Denmark's political spectrum have reacted to the government's announcement on Thursday of a wide-ranging plan to tackle what...

New strategy aims to lift Denmark to the top of European life science

NordenBladet - The government has unveiled a new plan that promises to propel Denmark to the very top of the European life science sector....

The Danish toy giant Lego has revealed that it has started production on a...

NordenBladet - Initially, they will be incorporated into Lego’s softest brick pieces, such as small trees, bushes and leaves – which will no longer...

Property prices in Copenhagen and Aarhus will fall, bank predicts

NordenBladet - Rising interest rates, a tightening up of the laws regarding credit, and falling prices in Oslo and Stockhom are among the factors...

Ghettos must go: Government presents plan “‘One Denmark without Parallel Societies: No Ghettos in...

NordenBladet - Denmark's government presented its plan to tackle social problems in what it defines as 'ghettos' on Thursday as eight ministers visited the...

The Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden closed temporarily following an accident on Wednesday

NordenBladet - Øresund Bridge closes in both directions after accident. The accident involved a single lorry that lost control and collided with the central...