Tag: NewsArticle

Non-resident ambassadors to Andorra, Seychelles and Uganda

NordenBladet — On Friday 22 October, the President of the Republic decided to appoint new non-resident ambassadors.The President of the Republic authorised Ambassador...

Prime Minister Marin to visit Germany

NordenBladet — Prime Minister Sanna Marin will visit Berlin on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October.Prime Minister Marin will meet with Federal Chancellor...

Ministers Tuppurainen and Paatero to attend the Plenary session of the Conference on the...

NordenBladet — Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen and Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero will represent the Finnish Government via remote connections...

Minister of Defence Kaikkonen to attend NATO defence minister meeting

NordenBladet — On Friday 22 October, Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen will participate in the second day's working session of NATO's defence minister...

Act on interoperability of electronic road toll systems enters into force

NordenBladet — On 21 October 2021, the Government proposed that the President of the Republic approve the new Act on interoperability of electronic...

Government proposes amendments to the Act on Peak-Load Reserve

NordenBladet — On 21 October 2021, the Government submitted a proposal to Parliament for an act amending the Act on Peak Load Reserve,...

Amendments to the Aviation Act aim to clarify roles and responsibilities and to improve...

NordenBladet — The Government proposes that the Aviation Act and certain related acts be further specified to meet the recent developments in EU...

Amendments proposed to legislation on fishing vessels

NordenBladet — The Government proposes amendments to the Act on Ships' Crews and the Safety Management of Ships. The amendment would implement a...

A new state-owned company to employ the most disadvantaged people with partial work ability

NordenBladet — A state-owned special assignment company named Työkanava Ltd will be established in Finland. Its task is to promote the employment of...

Speed of the universal service broadband set at 5 Mbit/s

NordenBladet — The universal speed of the universal service broadband, which refers to appropriate internet connections, will be increased from the current speed...