Tag: Parliament of Estonia
Hussar named the reform of the language of instruction as one of the key...
NordenBladet — Hussar said in his New Year Address, broadcast on the national TV channel ETV, that the greatest hope of last year had...
The Riigikogu finished its autumn session
NordenBladet — During the autumn session, the Riigikogu held 48 regular sittings and 1 additional sitting. Together with 12 Question Times, the working time of the plenary...
71 Members of the Riigikogu urge not to allow Russian and Belarus athletes to...
NordenBladet — The Members of the Riigikogu write in their communication, which was initiated by the Estonia-France Parliamentary Friendship Group, that the decision by...
The Riigikogu passed again without amendments the Act enhancing tax proceedings
NordenBladet — On 22 November, the Riigikogu had passed the Act on Amendments to the Land Tax Act and the Taxation Act (297 UA),...
The Riigikogu made a Statement in support of the State of Israel and its...
NordenBladet — In the Statement, the Riigikogu points out that there can be no justification for murdering civilians, taking hostages, or attacking civilian objects, and...
Four Bills and drafts were dropped from the legislative proceeding of the Riigikogu
NordenBladet — The Riigikogu rejected at the first reading the Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Riigikogu committee of investigation to investigate...
65 members of the Riigikogu submitted draft Statement in support of Israel
NordenBladet — In the draft Statement, the Riigikogu points out that there can be no justification for the murder of civilians, the taking of...
The Prime Minister gave the Riigikogu an overview of the implementation of European Union...
NordenBladet — Prime Minister Kaja Kallas began her speech by noting that, as a nation and a state, Estonia had clearly expressed the main...
Riigikogu Committees before the European Council: Starting accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova is...
NordenBladet — Chair of the European Union Affairs Committee Liisa Pakosta said that the Committees of the Riigikogu considered starting accession negotiations with Ukraine...
The Riigikogu passed five Acts which had been declared to be a matter of...
NordenBladet — The Riigikogu passed the Act on Amendments to the State Fees Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (298 SE), initiated by...