OHMYGOSSIP – Regarding the OHMYGOSSIP streamsphere – the year 2016 has been overwhelming, and definitely there has been versatile improvement concerning various crucial parameters as compared to 2015. The utmost success indicator from life’s journey through 2016 has been the step forward in general happiness and positive attitude as well as the continuous progress towards wellbeing. Find out more about my stories of success as well as setbacks, my dreams and original points of view in the following conversation!

 What did you do or accomplish in 2016 such that you have never done before?
1. I have taken home a friendly pair of kittens.
2. I have entered the world of radio listeners, while formerly I used to be keen on newspapers, journals, online-media and television channels as the main sources of news.
3. I have come to understand that neither enjoying the benefits of being in a relationship nor on the other hand, investing in the conveniences and virtues of being single would in itself guarantee happiness for anyone. It is only ourselves that can make the conscious decision to be happy or to feel miserable, we are the ones that set the milestones and standards for our individual self-evaluation. We are born lonesome and we bid farewell to this world in solitude. However, having company is more comfortable in many ways…
4. I joined a political campaign and took a stand on the subject of political matters.
5. Also, I have introduced for myself an additional account to save for special purposes. At the very moment it hosts a 150 euro sum. Hahaaaaaa.

Did you keep the New Year’s promises, and did you actually promise anything?
Not really – I do not compile these „to do” lists for the new year. That is simply because it turns out to be difficult keeping them afterwards. Yet there is certainly room for the more general life plans and goal-setting, consciously striving towards the ends that I value, and constantly working on approaching these ends in my individual pace and manner. I find it essential to take action in the planning and designing of the days to come, even if in the end of the day what comes about is often predetermined and shaped by forces superior to our own will.

Facing a train of unexpectancies, sudden changes in the course of events and even seeing carefully made plans go awry is an inevitable part of life, however, without the experience of great failures we wouldn’t be ready for powerful victory.

It has become a norm for me that with the start of the new year I always launch at least one novel branch for OHMYGOSSIP streamsphere. Unless you are busy in the business and unless you have the courage to dream the wildest dreams and seek to attain them, the dreams won’t come true. The more you reach out for the most outrageous targets, the more insane the results that you can measure, in the positive meaning, of course!

Has any of your nearest and dearest given birth last year?

Has anybody close to you passed away last year?

What is it that you long to acquire in 2017 that has been missing in 2016?
One objective is definitely property – my ambition to own property is immense, a characteristic mostly found in men. It would be easier to figure out what I do not desire to possess. I’d gladly have the entire world! Besides, I wouldn’t surely renounce being the one pulling the strings in the most influential media channels of the world nor having a say in the planet’s groundbreaking political decisions.

As you may know, women can change the world to a greater extent than they realize – or more than men would like to believe. Gradually and in our own way we often influence the course of life rather more with the way we make plans, enable to dream, and give love, than with officially adopting concrete decisions. And it goes without saying that it has been more than once that I have somehow brought about a sense of inferiority in celebrated men of property. I just cannot but think big and look beyond the box, I cannot but dream big and get big businesses going – modest projects are not my priority.

Now, more down to earth – I would pretty much fancy purchasing supplementary real estate. For example, the following dwellings in California seem very likeable:

1) In Thousand Oaks, California – White Stallion road 2200 – $8,995,000 (6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms and 82879 m2 orchard).

2) Calabasas, California – 25010 Thousand Peaks Rd – $6,999,950 (7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms and 42411 m2 orchard). By the way, this darling once belonged to Martha Helen Stewart!

Naturally, I would also love to own property in precious Estonia! This country is so extraordinary and close to the heart – I would be so happy to own a sizable portion of fir-tree forest somewhere in Estonia, where in winter the snowy roads remain untouched by sweeping vehicles and urban intrusive arrangements for electricity supply have not yet pushed the still life out of balance – a location that in Estonian would be called „completely behind the big tree”.

Understandably, my „what I wish for” list could go on through many a volume. However, I believe that you must at least be clear about what you aim for – in order to contribute towards achieving your goals.

Nevertheless, sometimes it is comforting to dream just for the sake of dreaming. Without having any dreams at all our life would be sad and empty.

In 2017 I intend to further refine and promote my new OHMYGOSSIP sites! Today I am already in the position of establishing the steering role in the chosen sphere and stretching to exclusively win all Scandinavian readers. There is space for a great deal of advancement, but I intend to build and elaborate on the current direction.

The scope of our dreams determines the scope of our achievements. Courage of conviction is the ticket to a dream-come-true. Always afford yourself the boldest dream! – even though the ground may be shaking and the budget a hand is yet disproportionate.

Which date will be most memorable for you from the year 2016 and why?
1) 8 July – my darling kitty Tiger never returned home… ?
2) 8 November. Republican candidate Donald Trump was elected U.S. President. I was among the advocates of this candidacy – lobbying and lending a hand in carrying it through. Social media is currently at its best, prevailing and governing other forms of media. It was clearly felt during this mission that the power of media knows no limits nowadays and you just need to figure out how to address it in the right way.

What has been the highest high in 2016?
The most significant, considerable and fulfilling achievements for me are always those related to my two kids. The measure of my success is my childrens’s success! Estella Elisheva (10) and Ivanka Shoshana (8) have been doing well at school, both girls have smoothly and industriously been learning languages. Their fluency in foreign languages is a priority for me.

Estella speaks fluent Russian besides her mother tongue Estonian. She even can name various insects in this language – which I have never heard of! After completing the first four grades in Tallinn Jewish School she is able to express herself in Russian equally well as using the mother tongue. She makes me very proud. Also, she already understands a lot of Hebrew and sometimes comments on the Israeli news.

Ivanka keeps getting better with her English skills and won’t let herself be tricked into anything in English. What I am hoping for from my daughters is this: to speak many languages and to esteem beautiful body shape.

In the first I am a role model for them, in the other… – I am an example of what they must avoid! 😀 Each new generation can and should be better than the previous!

Have you been ill during the past year or have you had any injuries?
Fortunately not – I have been generally in good health, except for a couple of panic episodes.

Last year’s luckiest purchase.
Whenever I launch a new OHMYGOSSIP domain – when I buy and animate it – I feel like a new person! Each penny that I invest in the future of OHMYGOSSIP contributes to my happiness.

Naturally, I do not regret a single cent spent on my daughters and their education. For my children and OHMYGOSSIP I am willing to spend infinitely.

Whose conduct deserves an applause from your side?
Among my greatest examples over the past ten years now have been Estonian archrabbi Shmuel Kot and his wife Chana. I love these people with all my heart and I wish to be like them. There is nothing in the world more important for me than HASHEM and by children-family!

My parents also deserve an applause – always – there is nobody caring about you more than your parents do, even though it may sometimes seem beyond comprehension and any belletristic capacity how they manage to irritate you!

Whose behaviour makes you sick?
When as a rule I tend to find something negative in everything that I stumble on, then regarding this year it is difficult to point out anything particular… at least here in Europe and Scandinavia. I would say I couldn’t point my finger to anybody that has made me sick in 2016. Of course, only in case you exclude from the list outbreaks of war in the world, the abuse of and violence towards women and children – this is wrong and shouldn’t exist.

I really feel grief when I think of the babies and women who must become victims of war and extremism, being raped and beaten, humiliated, even murdered… this is utterly wrong. It is not just a matter of making me sick, but it is a mortal sin. The world ought to be more civilized than that!

Horrible! – a woman is decapitated for going to the market without accompaniment! An eight-year-old juvenile being sold as an item for sex services! Where are the eyes of the rich and powerful of this world to let that happen?

Where did most of the money go?
In 2016 I mostly spent money from external sources.

What thrilled you most in 2016?
The sparkler-kind of thrill hasn’t been there for quite a while.

Most delightful have been the get-together conversations over a glass of wine with my elder sister. However, in 2017 I wish to see my younger sister partaking these reunion-discussions more than she has done so far. I have no better friends than my sisters!

As compared to 2015, would you say you are thinner or larger than in the end of 2016?

Worse off or better off?
Better off.

What do you wish you had done more?
Taken more walks in the nature.

What do you wish you had done less?
I do not approve of complaining – since we are alive we ought to live, and living may on various occasions include making mistakes. A task of life is to experience and perhaps also to have regrets. Life must be made up of all these things.

Did you fall in love in the year 2016?

Did you have casual relationships in 2016?

Is there hatred towards anyone from your side as compared to last year the same time?

What did you strive for and accomplish?
1. That Ivanka Shoshana starts taking violin lessons.
2. That we plant lots of fir and pine trees on our residence premises.
3. That I make new contacts and set cooperation going with several tourism ministries.
4. That among women I would be undeniably and undoubtedly the most powerful agent on the Scandinavian social media scenery.
5. To launch Ohmygossip Finland (ohmygossip.fi) site online, too, besides social media.

What did you do on your birthday, what is your age?
It was my 38th birthday and I cannot exactly remember what I did on that day – I have not had a proper birthday party for 20 years.

What is that one thing that could have made the year 2016 a lot better for you?
The year has been pleasant – emotionally, spiritually definitely surpassing 2015.

What has kept you sane and sound?
Haha, interesting question. Being sane and sound actually has never been my strongest side.

Who was the best new acquaintance?
I am always glad to meet new people. I have gathered very many valuable new contacts among various Israeli embassies, ambassadors and leading figures…

As an ambassador of the Israeli media in the Scandinavian region I have met a great many inspiring, good people!

The most cordial memory among them in 2016 was probably in the context of the Finnish Tourism Fair – meeting the amiable Ingrid Berlanga, whose full title is “Commercial and cultural attaché at Embassy of Mexico in Finland”.

She is the most kind-hearted lady, who completely took me by surprise when she recently notified me in a private Facebook conversation that I am welcome and awaited as a guest in their home – should I need a place to stay or should I just visit Mexico – her home greets me always. Isn’t that the essence of hospitality and friendliness!

It is also worth to mention secondary, mediated contacts – those that have been created with the presence of third parties that stand close to me. I believe that in the coming years it is not at all impossible that I begin extensive collaboration in Abu Dhabi and with several United Arab Emirates sheikhs.