NordenBladet – Healthy, natural and harmonious self-love is the hallmark of a warm, pleasant and trustworthy person who can take equal care of themselves and their relationships with other people and the world, writes Hedvig Evert in her book “The Artist of Happiness”. We bring you some characteristics of people who have learned to love and value themselves, and characteristics of those who have not yet done so.

A person having enough self-love is characterized as follows:
• they have adequate self-esteem
• they know their worth
• they take 100% responsibility for their own life
• they believe in their abilities and importance
• they make decisions based on love, trust and peace
• they are calm, smiling, stable
• they are confident in themselves and others
• they are open to the world
• they feel the value of their own activities
• their self-image is clearly perceptible
• they are mentally and physically healthy, they radiate positivity and give energy
• they act with inner feelings and inner motives
• they focus on satisfaction, not success
• they feel and radiate love
• they are self-assertive
• they are cooperative
• they perceive the abundance of resources and bring everything necessary to their life

A person not having enough self-love is characterized as follows:
they have low self-esteem
• they experience feelings of inferiority
• they avoid responsibility and look for justifications from the outside
• they have low self-confidence and experience oppressive guilt
• they make decisions based on fear, anger, frustration
• they are irritated, anxious, tense, worried
• they are constantly controlling themselves and others
• they are suspicious and skeptical of the world
• they are living in constant anticipation of praise, recognition and gratitude
• their self-image is poor and undeveloped
• they have a weaker health, chaotic health problems; they radiate negativity
• their actions are motivated by external factors
• they want to prove themselves with every act
• they seek to earn love
• they are either too intrusive or too humble
• they are competitive and show combative attitude
• they perceive a lack of resources and are constantly exerting themselves

How to have enough self-love for yourself? First, you need to focus your attention, which is scattered everywhere in life, on yourself. Love equals attention. Read more about this in the OHMYGOSSIP article “Start Comparing Yourself to You, Not to Others or 5 WAYS to Cultivate Love, Care and Self-Respect

Featured image: Pexels


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