NordenBladet — Finland is proud to present its candidacy to a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2022–2024 term. Previously, Finland served as a member of the Human Rights Council for a period of one year starting in 2006, when the Council was newly established.
Finnish democracy is based on the rule of law, with the Constitution giving every individual strong protection for human dignity, personal integrity and human rights. Trust and mutual respect between people, as well as the institutions that maintain these rights and values, are key elements of well-being in Finland.
Finland underscores the importance of the rules-based international system, its obligations and the universal and binding nature of human rights. Finland underlines the importance and interdependence of the three pillars of the United Nations: peace and security, development, and human rights as mutually reinforcing elements. Finland takes a proactive and constructive approach to strengthening multilateral cooperation.
Finland is firmly committed to the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other key covenants adopted, particularly the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Finland has based its own foreign and security policy, including its international development cooperation, on human rights norms and principles.
Finland is a party to seven core United Nations human rights treaties and recognizes the competence of each treaty body to consider human rights complaints against Finland. As a member state of the Council of Europe, Finland is also a party to several regional human rights treaties and is subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. All Governments are accountable under international human rights law.
We recognize the inherent dignity of every person and everyone’s right to full enjoyment of all human rights without discrimination. Advancing gender equality and promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of all women and girls are longstanding priorities of Finland, both at home and internationally. Finland emphasizes that the rights of persons belonging to minorities or in vulnerable situations need to be fully protected. Finland respects and promotes the realization of indigenous peoples´ rights, including the rights of Sámi people living in Finland and neighbouring countries.
The role of and collaboration with civil society is an integral element of the promotion and protection of human rights both nationally and internationally. The National Human Rights Institution of Finland and non-governmental organizations play a vital part in our society. In Finland, open governance and public access to official documents contribute to transparency and accountability as well as to the implementation of human rights.Finland believes that climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity and the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic are exposing humankind to unprecedented challenges regarding the safeguarding of our living conditions and human rights.
Finland regards the Human Rights Council as a fundamental cornerstone of the multilateral system and would be honoured to serve as its member with the objective of strengthening the respect for universal human rights for all.