NordenBladet — In January 2022, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will open a call for proposals for project support available for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs). The application period will be open from 24 January to 4 March 2022. During that time, applications can be submitted for discretionary government grants for development cooperation projects in 2023–2026. The actual call for applications together with the assessment criteria will be published when the call for applications opens on 24 January 2022. The support is granted from the development cooperation appropriations for Finnish CSOs’ development cooperation.Project support for Finnish CSOs is part of the implementation of Finland’s development policy. Organisations engaged in development cooperation projects enhance the diversity and impact of Finland’s development cooperation in developing countries around the world through their own fields of expertise and practices. Project support is used to support diversity and plurality in civil societies. With project support, Finnish organisations and their partners strengthen the capacity of civil society actors in developing countries and support the civic space and an enabling environment for civil societies.