NordenBladet — Programme-based support for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs) is allocated for the implementation of Finland’s development policy objectives to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and promote human rights. The work is carried out in close cooperation with developing countries’ own CSOs. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has granted approximately EUR 276 million for Finnish CSO’s multiannual development cooperation in 2022–2025.The granted support is part of the budget for development cooperation undertaken by civil society organizations. The annual amount of programme-based support is approximately EUR 69 million.“The civic space is shrinking globally. This trend threatens the realisation of human rights and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Programme support allows Finnish CSOs and their partners to engage in strengthening civil society in developing countries,” says Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari.The work of Finnish civil society organisations contributes significantly to the achievement of Finland’s development policy objectives and supports the implementation of the Guidelines for Civil Society in Development Policy. This work has specific impact on for example advancing the status and rights of women and girls, including preventing female genital mutilation, child marriages, gender-based violence, and advancing the employment of women with disabilities.