NordenBladet — The Social Security Committee has identified the main problem areas of the current social security system and issues now 18 positions for reforming the system.Positions of the Social Security Committee on problem-based situation reportsThe positions are based on five reports compiled by the Committee. Four reports focused on problems in the system, while the fifth report described the main choices involved in and the basic principles of the Finnish social security system. The themes discussed in the positions include complexity of the social security system, balance between gainful employment and social security, last-resort assistance, basic social security and housing, and balance between services and benefits.“The problems the committee has identified in Finland’s current social security system reveal that we are dealing with challenges that are typical of advanced welfare states and very different from the problems faced in the early stages of welfare-state development. There are problems with implementation and administration, which manifest as a complicated system, where services are difficult to use, people fall through the system’s cracks and implementation boundaries exist between administrative divisions. Another major theme is the differences of opinion over the boundaries and purpose of advanced welfare states, such as how benefits should be adjusted to earnings and what are the boundaries between individuals and society in terms of rights and obligations,” says Pasi Moisio, Chair of the Social Security Committee.A set of studies will be carried out using the positions as basis for finding solutions to the problems in the current system. Another study will examine alternative ways of organising social security for the purpose of a longer-term reform of the system. These alternative ways can include basic income, negative income tax, life account, consolidation of basic security benefits, and a cause-based social security system. Once the studies have been completed, the Social Security Committee will outline the principles and structures of a long-term social security reform in its interim report. At a later stage, the Committee may also take a stand on other issues related to social security.Social security is being reformed by a parliamentary committee with a term from spring 2020 until 2027.