NordenBladet – According to our forefathers’ belief, everything that we do on New Year’s Eve and on New Year’s Day, will have an effect on our lives during the year to come. Read more about which New Year’s Eve customs and traditions bring luck and success! Every year, when the new year begins, we become spiritually new, thus we must prepare to start this new life period.

On New Year’s Eve, conclude what you have been doing, and end what has been in progress:

1. Forgive, and ask for forgiveness, in order to start the new year with a clear conscience and peace of mind.

2. Remove all negative things from your life, those that have been bothering you for a long time: unnecessary things, unfortunate relations and toxic people.

3. Pay your debts and fulfill the promises you have given

4. Make peace with those states of affairs you cannot change

5. Be grateful – recall and write down what has been pleasant in the past year. Now you can proceed to the last point – creating a festive atmosphere. Try to make this holiday extra special and magic for yourself and your nearest and dearest!

6. Create a festive atmosphere and follow these traditions

1- Lay a hearty table so that also during new year you would have a workplace and bread on the table, and be able to put all the delicious dishes on the table. Our ancestors believed that we should eat 7,9 or 12 times. One serving can be just a few bites.

2- The party should be loud, there should be laughter, fun, and cries of joy of the children. According to ancient belief this will pull back the evil spirits.

3- Put candles on the graves of your passed friends and relatives either on New Year’s Eve or during the last week of the year, this will show that you have not forgotten those who came before us.

4- Decorate your home with candles – celebrate the victory of light over darkness!

5- Tell the future or pour luck (pour lead)

Photography: 3x NordenBladet

How to begin your new year?

1. Let the first person you communicate with be a man. It was believed that there will not be much luck when the first person to wish a Happy New Year is a woman.

2. Do not clean the house on January 1. Leave the cleaning for the second or third day of the year, this way you will not brush good luck out of your home.

3. On January 1, wash your face (from oldest member of the family to youngest) in the same dish. Let there be something made from silver (brooch, spoon) in the dish. This water ritual will give you good complexion, good eyesight, and will keep the family in peace and harmony.

4. Start the new year with full awareness. It is believed that everything that you do on the 1st of January is what you will be doing during the year to come. Thus, do not spend the day in bed, watching TV. Do the things that you wish to be doing and enjoying during the rest of the year.

Featured image: Pexels